"Okay sorry my mum wanted to know if she can have your mum and dads numbers is that okay with them" I said

"One sec I'll give it to you" She said

"Here" she said as she give me there numbers

" can you ask here to say who she is be fore she texted them anything" Dixie said back

"Yh sure and I was wondering could I have your number not for anything for that it's just that my mum said it would be a good idea to get your number I don't know why though and also why did you call your mum by her name" I said

"Here my number and cause she not my mum and never will be" she mumbled the last part

"Okay thanks here the cupcakes" with that her "mum" and dad came to the front door her "mum took the cupcakes and said

"Thank you so much Charlie good bye know Dixie has to go do her homework now right Dixie" she didd kicking Dixie

"Yh I do" she said back

With that they closed the door but I heared her "mum" say "your not getting any of these you ungrateful bitch your so fat "

Why would she say that she looks really skinny

Dixies pov

As the door shut I looked at my dad and he Said

"Your lucky girl that boy just saved your life go to your bedroom before we changed away mind you slut"

I ran up the stairs and got in a hot shower

After would I got changed sat on my bed and started to watch Netflix with my headphones plug up in there other wise my step-mum will take it from me

Half way through to movies well I think anyway because I weren't really watching the move I zoned out

Anyway I got a text from an unknown number

Hey Dixie I  just wanted to make sure this is your number

Umm hi who is this

Oh sorry it is Charlie from school Charlie king

Oh okay hi I guess you already know my name...

I changed his name to Charlie king 👑

Charlie king 👑
Yea i guess I do btw why did you "mum'' say you weren't aloud to eat the cupcakes they were made for you to

Good night Charlie

Charlie king 👑
You ignored my quietion

I ignored his text and went to sleep

Sorry this is a short chapter

And sorry if there is any text talk in the story I'll try not to

And I'm really bad at spelling so sorry if there is

If u have any suggestions please let me know

Thank you

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