Living Proof 1

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The forgotten smell of the ink,
I've missed the sound when my pen rolls over the paper.  It's hard to get in it again.
It has been so long. The words I'm writing down sounds so empty.

The strange feeling, while my pen is writing down the unspoken words in my head.
Time runs away and I'm left at the same point.
Staying up all night and using all I have.
Every second,
Every chance,
Every idea.
So many fear and thoughts through the time of break don't let me sleep nor breath.

Seems like this cruel world hates me.
But giving up was never an option.
Not for my twenty year old self
Full of believe - nor today.
The days I was forced to hide who I'm are over
And nothing has changed.
My dreams and goals - I'll go further.
I'll proof my true self to those
Who tried to destroy the helpless little me.

I'll reach out my hand and reach my goal
Without looking back to painful memories.
I'll continue to write.
I won't fall into the deep sleep my soul is screaming for, I won't let go.
Wake me up - WRITE!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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