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THE BLACK PLASTIC BAG FILLED WITH GREEN TEA CANS SLIPPED OFF IVY’S GRIP when her brain registers the face across the street; her hands start to tremble in sheer anxiety and shock upon the unexpected encounter with a certain someone whose existence has been long forgotten by her.

Ivy is staring at him with wide eyes, as if she had seen a dead person that came back to life,  which, was not exactly an exaggeration because he had been dead to her.

Just across the street of the 7-E building where she came from just now, stood Shane Cannon with matching grey hoodie and sweatpants, his face mirroring her own expression.

Ivy feels conflicted–she really doesn’t want to cross that street and pass by him but to get to her house, she has to cross that street.

The two of them stood there like the flickering lamps along the street–still and unmoving. Neither of them wanted to make the first move.

But someone has to.

Just like two years ago.

Just like when she decided to confess her feelings to him, not knowing the tragedy that comes together with it.

Along with the memories of her high school days that starts to flood in, Ivy takes the first step and crosses the street boldly. She sets her eyes forward and hold her chin high as if announcing that she’s not the same girl whom he used to know back in high school.

He follows suit as he manage his expression, setting his eyes forward with a confident posture, as if telling her that he doesn’t care less.

The two of them brush pass by each other and like strangers, they don’t even cast a glance at each other and just like that, they’re back living their own lives again.

As soon as Ivy  reaches her bedroom, her legs give away as she tries to recollect herself. The encounter shouldn’t have happened. She swears that she would never see him again and even took the initiative to apply for a university all the way across the state so there would be low possibility for them to meet again but what is he doing in this city?!

Ivy feels like throwing herself off the cliff.

She let her eyes wander around the bedroom and her eyes catch familiar spine of the Roseville High school magazine and instinctively, she reaches out to pull it out from the bookcase.

The cover of the school magazine for that year was a group photo of their batch who were dressed in suits and dresses. Ivy recalls the photo was taken during their senior prom and she dubbed it “the best night of her life” for quite a while back then.

Ivy gathers the courage to open the school magazine and as she flips through the pages one by one, she relieves the memories, as if she was still a senior just yesterday. She reaches a page where pictures from the dance during the prom night were printed and her eyes easily spots herself dancing with him in the crowds.

Unknowingly, a smile blooms across her face, a particular smile that is missed by a lot of her close friends.

Her head is heavy with the memories from high school by the time the clock strikes twelve midnight. She could hear a few familiar voices when she closes her eyes, ones that she’d recognize everywhere. She feels herself slowly getting sucked into the sea of memories and she let herself drown in it.

It has been two years, and although she still have some lingering feelings towards the tragedy that fell on them, Ivy wants to relive it for it made her feel alive at some point of her life that seemed dull and uncertain at that time.

When she opens her eyes again, she found herself in her old bedroom in the house where she was born and grew up as a child and when she looks into the vanity mirror, she is back to her seventeen-year-old self.

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A/N: Sorry for the short chapter but hope you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2020 ⏰

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