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You are not a joke
But out of you spring
Series of bubbling laughters

hat remains diluted;
A freshly tapped wine.

Ibadi aran
I heard that you make men
Run after you,like aran would run after food
Eleyinju ege
Men run after you,baring their ege
To the naked eyes of the sun

Let your crystal eyes
Clear a crystal path
In the hearts of men
Like your cleanly done cornrows
Let men locate you to a place
Where apoti patiently sits,
Waiting for round buttocks

Like the ileke that adorns
your neck and wrist
Maa jasita,maa jasile
Be firm!
Or else,people will wag their tongues
And ask dogs to stop wagging their tails
At the first aight of you


Ibadi aran - yoruba eulogy for pretty ladies
Aran - tapeworm
Eleyinju ege - yoruba eulogy for pretty ladies
Ige- chest
Apoti- stool
Ileke -beads.

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