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Yeah! I've got nothing to worry about! I'll be just fine!

"Why do you think he even agreed to taking me in?" I said as a question before taking another sip of my frappe.

"No idea.. Maybe he felt back?" Taehyung said looking into the distance with a look of being in thought.

"Seriously? THE Min Yoongi? Feeling bad? That's just dumb" Jin and I agreed.

"Then why would he agreed to whatever contract he had my parents sign?" 

"More importantly, how the hell did they even talk to him, he's a pretty busy guy as far as I know" Jin then said, eating a red bean mochi.

"For real! There must be something deeper going on here" Taehyung agreed.

"Definitely, but I guess it's a mystery for another day" I then agreed after thinking about it.

"Welp, calling it a day?" Taehyung then asked, drinking the rest of his expresso.

"Yeah" Jin and I said in union.

I took out my phone and texted Yoongi to pick me up.

"Yoongi's coming in approximately five minutes" I said stealing one of Jin's red bean mochi, chuckling at his look of betrayal. 

"Oh, so Yoongi gave you a ride?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah" I then replied drinking the rest of my frappe.

I heard my phone ding, signalling me that I got a notification. I grabbed my phone and check the message.

"Alright, Yoongi's here" I said, standing up and adjusting my jacket.

Tae and Jin then got up and we walked outside, as soon as we were outside, I saw Yoongi leaning on his car by where I sit. He was on his phone and was talking to someone, He looked up and saw me then got off his phone. He opened the car door for me and I got in waving by to Taehyung and Jin.

"So, how was it?" Yoongi then asked as we drove away from the cafe.

"I-it was good" I'm starting to notice that I stutter a lot around Yoongi.

"My friends and I are just wondering why you agreed to buy me.." I said looking out the window. Again, I need to keep my mouth shut sometimes.

"Hm, don't stress your cute little brain about it. Taking you in was a decision of my own to make"  I felt my heart flutter at his words, so I as usual, just laid down on the back seats.

It didn't take long before we got back home. I got out and we together headed to the door. We walked inside I went straight to my room, I wanted to get out of my sweater since Yoongi kept staring. I got changed and grabbed my Mang plush.

I walked out the bathroom and laid in bed, I was closing my eyes when I heard Yoongi walk in. my eyes open and looked at him.

"Sorry to startle you Hope, I just wanted to say goodnight" Rubbing my tired eyes, I realized he was wear a plain white t-shirt and basketball shorts.

"Oh.. g-goodnight Yoongi"

"Sweet dreams Sunshine" He said as he headed out the room.

I smiled to myself and hugged my Mang plush, and slowly closed my eyes, falling into the dreamworld. The place where all my sorrow go away.

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