Pinky swear

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"You really should eat you know." The young Apollo kid said. He had the same blonde hair and blue eyes they all had. He gave me a small smile that reminded me of Will and I felt a pang of guilt. I hadn't seen him since last night. I was able to real in my power after seeing the fear on Will's face. So far he had refused to be afraid of me. It was annoying but refreshing. I hate that I ruined that.

I shook my head to clear it. Clearly I am not use to being around people. The little guy started to sweep the room. "What's your name?" I asked. The kid jumped like I had grown three heads.

"Are you talking to me?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said slowly, unsure why this kid was so confused.


I nodded, "Hey Toby, I am....."

"Nico!" He jumped in. "Your that Hades kid."

I slumped down. Should of known all I would ever be was that Hades kid.

"Did you really shadow travel that huge statue across the world?" I looked up at the kid.

"Yeah.....with help." I shrugged.

Toby's eyes bulged. "can you really talk to the dead?" He jumped up on the foot of the bed.


"No way!!! That's so cool!" He said excitedly. It seems though when you got him started their was no off switch. "Do you like talk to ghosts? does shadow travel work?..... ...."what's your favorite horror movie?..... have you spoken to any famous dead people?.......what is the grossest way someone has died?"

"Woah woah woah.........take a breath" I said. I couldn't help but smile at the kid. He seemed to love all things creepy.

"Looks like you have a fan." Will commented from the door way. He looked tired. Like he had been up all night.

"Will! Austin said you should go to bed." Toby said.

Will seemed annoyed at Toby, which did not fit with what I knew about him. He was always kind to his siblings. "Well he is not head healer so...... plus how can I leave when there is so much work to be done?" He raised an eyebrow meaningfully at the broom on the floor.

Toby got the message. He jumped up and grabbed the broom. "Sorry Will!" He scrambled out of the room.

Will grabbed my chart and wondered over to the chair next to the bed and calapsed into it.

"Sooo....hi." I said.

"Hey" he said more to the chart he was reading then me. He squinted at the chart. He let out a large sigh.

"So when was the last time you slept?" I asked.

Will rolled his eyes and looked at me for the first time. "Last time I checked I am the doctor here."

"Yes and as your patient I have an invested interest in you being able to think clearly."

"Ha death boy are you really giving me a lecture on taking care of yourself. When was the last time you ate?" He asked pointing to the full plate of food.

It was my turn to roll my eyes. "I eat fine." Will gave me a look that said he did not believe me.

"Your not about to yell at me again are you?" I asked in my normal tackless style.

Will flushed. "Yeah sorry about that." He said while running a hand through his curly blonde hair. "I shouldn't of yelled or judged. You must of had to survive on your own for so long, it must be hard to ask for help." His sincerity was obvious and all I could do was blink at him.

"I am sorry I scared you. I didn't mean to freak you out." I said quietly. I thought it was the right thing to say but Will rolled his eyes.

"Death boy I wasn't scared of you...... I was scared for you." He paused for moment. "I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Please don't use your powers until it is safe.....Please."

His gorgeous blue eyes looked so sad and worried. "OKAY" I said way to loud. I face palmed myself mentally "okay" I said quieter.

Will gave me a small smile and held out his pinky to me "promise?"

I rolled my eyes."Your such a dork sunshine." But then I reached out and shook his pinky. Will smiled satisfied before returning to my chart.

"Look I would like you to sit on a drip today. Your undernourished and dehydrated. I am going add some unicorn powder too." He wrote a note on the chart. "That should assist your healing." He glanced at me and back to the chart. "Reyna was kind enough to leave some behind for you....... you must be close." He seemed to hold his breath.

"Well yeah. You don't go through what we did and not be close." He nodded but seemed disappointed by my answer.

"I am going to check your stitches." I moved to give him access. He leaned in. I could see the splash of freckles that covered his face. That smell of sea salt and rubbing alcohol.

"So how long you been dating?" Will asked.

I jumped realising I had been staring. Plus I was not expecting that question "What?" I asked.

"You and Reyna?" He asked.

"Rayna and I what?" I asked still confused.

Will stood up and rolled his eyes. "Really Di Angelo you were worried about me thinking clearly..... how long have you been dating Reyna?"

"What? Reyna? No." I shook my head stupidly. "She is like a sister. I don't like her like that. No." Great now I am babling.

A small smile crept up on to Will's face. " So like a sister?" He asked. I nodded. "And your not dating anyone else?" He asked.

"No!" I said way too loudly. I felt the heat rising to my cheeks. "Um no" I said in a more normal tone. Will nodded a few times. Is it just me or did he seem happier.

He sat back down in the chair next to me again. "I'll tell you what death boy. I will take a nap if you eat something."

I considered it for moment. Then he cracked his first real smile today. "Okay."

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