chapter one

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Tara walked in and saw me sleeing with one of lyla's co-workers. She threw her off of my and bashed her head into the desk. "Tara!" I yell as Tig and Chibs walked in.

"I can't belive you!" Tara slapped me. She kept slapping me until Tig pulled her off of me. "Don't touch me!"

"Easy now." Tig took her out of the room. I put my clothes back on. I ran after Tara. She ran out of our house. I grabbed her arm. "Tara!"

"What, Jax?!" She ripped her arm out of my hand.

"I'm sorry."

"No you're not! Jax, I'm pregnant."


"For real."

"Tara, that's great." I pick her up and kiss her. "How far along?"

"A month."

I kissed her and she kissed me back. "I love you, Tara."

"I love you too, Jax."


Ciara was amazing. She isn't just a one nightstand. I like her. She has a couple kids but I don't care. My daughter's aren't around anymore. Well ones dead. I love both of them.

Ciara was fixing her hair, I looked at her. She was beautiful.

"See something you like, Hun?" She smirked. She finished and turned.aroumd.  

"Oh yeah." I got up and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Beautiful."

She smiled. She took my hand and left a peice of paper on it. "What's this?"

"My number. You know in case you get longly." She smiled. "You are hot."

"I'm much older than you, Sweetie."

"Just a few years. I'm twenty eight. You're fourty two."

"Ciara, I think I like you."

"I like you too." She kissed my cheek. "Come by later."

'What about you're kids?"

"They'll be in bed."

"How about you come by the ice cream place later."

"The big bad biker has to hang out at a ice cream shop."

"Our club house got blown up by the irish."

"My kids like ice cream. I'll com by later." She kissed me. I kissed her back.

"See you later."

"See you later, Tig."

Ciara left.

I got dressed and went to the ice cream shop. Rat was cleaning up. Gemma was sitting in a booth with Abel and Thomas. Chibs was sitting on a stool. I sat next to him.

Ciara walked in with her kids. A boy and a girl. One was six and one was three.

She sat beside me. Rat got the kids ice cream. "They're adorable."

"They are."

"What's their names?"

"Austin is the oldest and Mianna is the youngest." Mianna claimed up on to Ciara's lap. "Hey, Baby."

"Hey, Mama. The guy gave me ice cream!"

"He did? Did you say thank you to him."

"I did, Mama."

"This is Tig. A friend of Mama's."

"Hi, Tig"

"Hi, Mianna."

"You look older than Mama."

"That's because I am."

Mianna giggled. She got ice cream all over her. She took her ice cream hand and put it all over Ciara's face and clothes. "Mianna."

She giggled and ran to a booth. "You can have my shirt I got my sweater."

"That's okay, Tig. Really."

"Come on." I took her to a bathroom and take my Sons of Anarchy vest off than my sweater and shirt. I give Ciara my shirt. She puts in on and ties the back of it up with a hair tie. I put my sweater and vest back on.

"Tig, I really like you and I think I wanna try us."

"You do?"

"I do. If you do I'm yours."

"Than you're mine." I pull her to me and kiss her. She kisses me back. I pull back, "you're kids probably want to go home."

"Probably do." We came out of the bathroom and sit down. Mianna was playing with Thomas.

Tara and Jax walked in. Abel ran to Jax and wraped himself around Jax's leg. "Daddy!"

Jax picked hi up. "Hey, Buddy. What are you doing?"

"I was playing with Thomas!"

Jax smiled. "Do you wanna see Mommy?"

"Yes." Jax gave Abel to Tara. "Hi, Mommy."

"Hey, Honey. Is Grandma here?"

"Yeah she's playing with Thomas and Mianna."


"Uncle Tig's friend brought her."

"Oh okay."

Tara sat down. She looked at me and Ciara. Jax sat next to her. "She's not a croweater."

"Yeah, she's not. That's weird for Tig."

"You know I can hear you. My hearing works perfect."

"Shooking because yore old." Ciara said with a gigle.

"Hey now." I kiss her cheek.

She smiled and I smiled back.

"I'll see you later, Tig."

"See you later, Babe."

She kissed me. I kiss her back. "I love you." I whisper. She didn't say it back. She just smiled and took her kids home.

"She's not a croweater."


"It's just weird to see you with a normal girl."

"Oh please. Not just you can have a happy ending, Jax."

"Because Tara's 'normal'?"

"I wouldn't say she's normal. She's always in the.middle of all the clubs crap."

Right than someone drove by shotting at the store.

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