Episode 52: Depleted

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The second battle was over, and T had worn herself out to help me yet again

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The second battle was over, and T had worn herself out to help me yet again.

I felt helpless. She shouldn't have had to do that. I was the Key Keeper. If anyone should have been required to do that, it should have been me. This was my quest, and as a Key Keeper, it was my job to help those trapped in Taradita.

I couldn't let this happen a third time. I had to find an alternative before we went into the third battle. I absolutely had to.

I took her from our brother. I needed to have her in my arms, to feel her warmth, to feel her chest rise and fall with each breath, to know that she wasn't getting worse.

We went straight from the garden to our room. If we passed Duke on the way there, I paid him no mind.

When I laid her down, Eni kicked his shoes off and laid down next to her. He probably felt the same way I did in wanting to keep his big sister close.

"Ain?" Eni's voice shook. He had tears in his eyes. "Is there anything we can do for T-T right now?"

"I'm not sure..." I rubbed my eyes. "I don't think we can do what Noelle did."

Marshall poked his head into my room. "I know you probably don't want to hear this right now, but maybe you should call Hannah. Isn't it worth seeing if there's anything she can do for your sister?" He had a hand on his hip. "Even if she can't, you know Noelle can. And I'm pretty sure they know other people who can help, too."

Deep down, I knew Marshall was right. Still, that wasn't something I wanted to hear. I particularly didn't want to bother Noelle when she was in another world with another Key Keeper to look after.

"Why didn't T want us to help her?" Eni asked.

Recah came into my room. "But she did want you to help her. If you didn't help her, she wouldn't have had enough time to do what she did."

That last bit was probably better off left unsaid. I certainly didn't want to hear that. Recah didn't mean it that way, but it implied that it was our fault T ended up this way because we helped her. I already felt like it was my fault since this was my quest and all.

Recah put her hand over mine. It might have been smaller, but that didn't make it any less warm. "I'm going to make something to eat. Is there anything in particular you boys want?"

Eni shook his head.

I didn't know what else to say. I wasn't that interested in food even though I knew I needed to eat. "I'll take care of me and Eni later. Just worry about everyone else."

Recah sighed and walked out, shutting the door behind her.

I put my arms around my baby brother. "It'll be alright, bud." I rubbed his back. "T always pulls through, doesn't she? She's strong."

"This is still scary..."

"I know. Worrying too much won't help Kaze get better faster, though."

Eni looked up at me. "You think Marshall's right? Could Hannah help us with T-T?"

"It can't hurt to ask." I squeezed his hand. "Want me to call her?"

He nodded. His lip was quivering.

When I dialed her up, Hannah didn't let the phone get to the third ring.


I said hey back.

"Did you guys need something?" she asked.

I scratched the back of my neck. "Did Noelle tell you about what happened to my sister after our last Lock battle?"

"Yeah, she did..."

I ran my hand through Eni's hair. His eyes were drooping. "We just got back from our second one."

"Oh..." I could feel her nerves through the phone. "I could come look at her and see what I can do."


"Just in case someone else is in the room with you, I'm just going to teleport. It's probably better to get this over with ASAP."

Hannah hung up.

I whispered to Eni, "Hannah's gonna pop in like Noelle likes to do."

When that happened, Eni didn't react in the slightest. I wondered in the back of my mind if he was that used to it or if something else was going on. Still, that wasn't my priority at the time.

Hannah quickly got to work. She also did her best to not poke and prod my sister.

When she was done, she motioned for me to follow her into the hallway.

Of course, I told Eni we'd be right back before I followed her.

"Okay, I'm pretty sure you don't need me to tell you that her psychic energy got depleted."

She didn't.

"That said, she already has a sliver of it back." Hannah sighed. "I don't know if someone gave her energy or what, but it will help her recover faster."

"I don't think I did that... Noelle's convinced I have psychic powers, but I dunno if I buy it."

"Maybe your brother did it. I'm pretty sure Annie told me that he has telepathy."

"Yeah, he does. Doesn't use it like he used to."

Someone appeared in the hallway. She was a blonde with purple eyes reminiscent of amethysts.

"Sorry to drop in unannounced like this." She looked at me and Hannah. "I could share a bit of energy with her. It might not be as potent as Noelle's, but it should still help her."

"Kayleigh, Ame." Hannah put her hand over her heart. "You really shouldn't do that. You know what the boys would say."

She had sweat on her face. "Enji was wondering where you went."

"I'll take what I can get," I said.

Hannah's friend slipped into my room.

"Thanks for this."

"This is nothing. I might be a Protector, but to tell the truth, that's not the only reason I'm doing this." Her gaze drifted upward. "Annie is like a sister to me. She cares about your sister a lot. I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't try to do what I could."

I smiled. "You've done plenty."

"Still, I'm going to see if my friend has any ideas." She took a breath. "You think your brother's alright?"

"For now, I'd like to hope he's just tired from the excitement we just got back from."

"Alright then. Call me if you need anything."

"I will."

I went back into my room. Hannah's friend had just finished helping Kaze.

"Let Hannah know if you'd like more help with this."


Hannah's friend left.

Eni started coughing. When he was done, he said, "Okay."

I put another pillow beneath his head. "Get some rest, alright?" I brushed his hair out of his face. "I'll be here watching you both."

Eni didn't need to say okay again. I knew he was thinking it anyway.

This was probably going to be a long few days...


Thoughts? Theories? Predictions?

~Shino out!

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