Girls Know

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   "Jolyne! Morning!" Maria waved at her. "Morning Jas, Maria. Where's Shadow?" Maria shrugged. "Sick?" "If she doesn't show before lunch I'm marching to her place!" Jas shook her head at Jolyne. "Come on that's-" "Jaass, you and Joesph would do the sane for Ceasar and I." Jas sighed. "True True.. Still wouldn't it-" "Jasmine!" Jolyne turned around and grabbed her shoulder. "You'd do it for us, and because we care, and I'm not just saying this because J-.." She stopped herself. "Never mind that, BUT Noriaki feels the most comfortable with us being around her. Plus us girls need each other , cause boys don't understand our pain!" "Unless they're trans." "Unless they're trans!" Jolyne repeated after Maria.  "But come on Jasmine Joesphine Joestar! Be the inner caring Joestar you are." 

   Jas sighed in defeat. "Fine. But we're going now!" "WHAT?!" Maria and Jolyne looked at her. "Come on you heard me! If she wasn't here by now somethings up. If needed I can grab Shikata later." Jas started running in the opposite direction of the school. "Damn you Joestar!" Maria yelled before Jolyne and Maria ran after her.

   When they got there, Jas kicked down the door and yelled. "Josuke can fix it!" "You didn't need to kick it down!" Jolyne then yelled. All three took off their shoes and ran upstairs. knocking quietly on Shadows door. "Who is it..?" The door opened as the girls popped their head in then falling on each other. "You where not at school!" "We knew something was up." The two sat up. Jolyne stood up and walked over. "Are you sick? Did you get hurt? Was there a stand?" Jolyne felt her forehead. "Jesus.. I'm fine." Jolyne sat down on her bed. "You've been crying." She hugged her. "Come on Kakyoin, what's going on?" Shadow hugged back. "Girls need each other you know.. We wanna try to help you." Maria sat next to her. "Just a dream.. I'm fine really." 

   Jas got up and sat on the edge. "Tell us about this dream." "A dream...?" Jolyne spaced out. Maria looked at Jolyne. "Jo?" she poked her cheek. "JoJo?" Jolyne didn't respond. "Kujo Jolyne!" "Huh?" Jolyne looked at them. "Are you broken too?" "No, it's just Jotaro said the same thing his morning. He broke into tears.." Jas looked at her. "Your own badass broth.. Never mind." "Let's focus on Kakyoin for now girls." Maria then looked at Shadow as she explained it, leaving out the fact Jotaro was there. 

   "So.. Who was the guy?" Maria raised an eyebrow. "That's all I'm s-saying." She looked away, worried about Jotaro. "Girl you-" "Maria don't push her." Jolyne sighed. "Hell, I even tried talking to JoJo during breakfast, he said some of the same things, I couldn't make out half of it but I could understand-" Jolyne continued rambailing while Jas looked at an imaginary watch and yawned. "He didn't say who the-" Jolyne stopped and giggled. "What?!" "What is it?!" The brunette and blonde looked at her. "Oh you two, it's obvious!" "Tell uuusss!" Jas begged. "For her privacy, No." "WHA-" "Now Jas! No need to do that, it's obvious. You guys are just too crazy to notice if you ACTUALLY listened to me." Jolyne continued to giggle.

   Jolyne and Shadow made eye contact, Jolyne then winked at her. "So! Anyone want french toast? Cause Jjjaaassssmmiiinnneee-" Jasmine stood up. "Fine Fine! I'll make it." Maria then stood up. "Imma go look for that shrine Noriaki is hiding!" Maria ran out.

   Jolyne sighed and looked at Shadow. "So.. Jotaro?" Shadow nodded slowly. "I'm happy for you two.. But a stand may be behind this, that's what I fear. Jotaro keeps yelling when he wakes up, it even wakes up Jouta,  the heaviest sleeper." "Noriaki is with him right now.. I guess I've been kinda yelling when I wake up.." Jolyne nodded. "I saw Noriaki before I left, he was comforting JoJo.. I swear just.. Maybe Rohan and Josuke could help us out." She grabbed out her phone. "Should I..?" "If you want.." Jolyne shrugged. "Probably fucking anyways." She called the number and put it on speaker. 

   "Helwo?" "Rohan, are you drinking?' "Padre! There's a man on teh phone for you-" "Ryleigh- What did Padre say about answering the house phone?" Josuke could be heard. "Sorry papa..." "What the-" "W-Wha-" Josuke sighed. "You. Know. NOTHING! Anyways what do you need?" Shadow sighed. "Jooosssuukkkeee." "Hey! What's going on Kak?" "T-The dreeaamm thingy happened again." She hugged her knees. "I-I... Wait what? Two nights in a row?! Rohan and I's where not like that! I have a bad fucking feeling." The tiny girl from before could be heard. "PAPA SWEAR CHAR!" Shadow panicked a bit while Josuke walked over to a chair in the corner and sat down. "Anyways, Rohan knew more about this- holy damn." Josuke got distracted. "Stop looking at me!" Rohan could be heard in the background. Josuke chuckled before sighing. "Maybe in a minute, all of us could have a conversation. Lyne, did Jotaro also-" "Yep, they both had the same dream from what I heard." Shadow looked at Jolyne. "Shit!" "Extwa minwute!" Josuke groaned. "I know Ry!" He focused back on the girls. "Cause if it was just one of you it would have been normal. Well from my experience with Rohan. But two nights together.." Rohan walked over. "You needed me?" "Yeah." Josuke replied.

   Josuke explained the whole situation to Rohan. Rohan thought for a second. "Kakyoin, could you control what you where doing?" "M-Mhm.." Rohan asked more questions, Shadow saying yes to all of them. Rohan hummed and thought to himself. "Padre- There's a scary man at da door." "Josuke go get the door please.. But I'm going to have to ask those questions to Jotaro as well. This seems like the work of some stand. Josuke and I had similar experiences but we never knew who it was with. We knew every detail, but when it came to ourselves, we had no idea what was happening." Rohan explained. "What if it happens again?" Shadow asked. "Don't focus on the romantic setting you're put in. Get up and find the stand. Then instantly call m- Noriaki! Jo- oh shit what happened to you?" Jolyne and Shadow got confused. 

   "I've been crying.. What el- A KID?!" Jotaro could be heard yelling. "ROHAN JOSUKE!" Noriaki then yelled. "UHHH WEGOTTAGOCALLMEIN30MINUTESBYE!" The line then went dead. Jolyne blinked. "That's what they get for not telling anyone they had a kid." Shadow sighed. "Hey, at least we know what to do if it happens again tonight. If you want I can stay, and I'll have Jouta keep an eye on Jotaro." "Y-Yeah.."

   "Breakofesto hasa been aservod!" "ARE YOU TRYING TO BE RACIST?!" "NO WAIT MARIA- GOD DAMN IT I KNEW SHE WAS ON IT!" 

   Jolyne shook her head and used her stand to make sure the two don't kill each other. "My god"

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