*Chapter 22*

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*Unedited~Sorry for the mistakes :3~

"You're kidding." I stated. My statement felt like a doubt to me. This couldn't be happening. This was my mess, Sam couldn't just be pulled into this. "Right?" 

"Why the hell would Sam be kidding about this?" Jay shouted. This was the first time I've heard Jay shout. And all the hate was directed towards me. How could Kadir simply assume that Sam was me. I was the one blabbering to a point where no one would understand a single sentence of what I was talking.

"Jay, I don't know why you would be joking about this, but this can't be true." I said, trying to sound composed, but my actions betrayed me. Tears flowed down my cheeks and my mind could barely tell what was going on. All I could think about was, Sam was in trouble. That was all my fault.

"Alina, you know what? I don't know what you were planning to do but, did you seriously think that by pulling Sam into your mess you could be safe?" He shouted. 

How could Jay think that I would want Sam to get involved in it. My eyes flickered to Sam who was desperately trying to stop Jay from shouting. She kept assuring him that none of it was fault, but he shook her off and continued yelling at me.

"That's it. Jay you have to stop." Adit roared on the top of his voice. "None of this is Alina's fault. Do you think Alina would want her best friend to be caught in her mess? Think about it." He said through his teeth. 

I rushed towards Adit's side. "Adit, please don't do this. You're just pushing him to the limit." I pleaded with him.

"Just because you've got feelings for Alina, doesn't mean you can side with her even when it's her fault!" Jay snapped. The tension in the air was so thick that one could actually touch it.

I've had enough of this. Why can't Adit accept that it's my fault? Sam wouldn't have gotten into this mess if I had not gone into the useless website which claimed to be safe.

"Stop it!" I screamed at the top of my voice. This was not how things were supposed to go. "Just, stop it, guys." My voice came out a little softer than earlier.

"Alina, but h-" Adit said irritatedly. I cut him off before he could say anything.

"Adit, Jay is true. It's all my fault that Sam got in trouble. If it wasn't for me Kadir wouldn't even know who she was." I said holding back a sniffle.

 The room remained absolutely silent for a few seconds. The only sound we could hear was the ticking of the clock on the wall above me. And then I said, "Guys, it's all my fault. I'm going to fix this."

And then I heard somebody's voice which I thought I'd never hear in Nainital. "Alina, what isn't your fault?" My mom's voice rung through my ears. I had to blink my eyes several times before I could believe that my mother is here. She wasn't there when I needed her the most. I wouldn't blame her, because she supports me, and she has to travel because of her work. 

"Mom, What are you doing here?" I asked my Mum. Walking towards her, I pulled her into a hug. "I missed you so much, Mom."

"Honey, I came here to make up for my absence. I know I wasn't there when you needed me the most, honey. I just assumed Anant would take good care of you, and then there was Adit who assured me the rest. Together we are going to get the stalker down." My mum said as she smiled sadly. She knew it wasn't an easy task, but a mother's love can make them do things for their kids that no normal person could ever do. "Now, tell me. What is you're fault?" My mum asked.

I froze. Mum knew about Kadir. I was about to dismiss her sentence telling there was no stalker, when Alex spoke up. "Jay thinks it is Alina's fault that Ruth assumes Sam is Alina."

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