Part 1

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My name is Octane, well thats my nickname anyway. My real name is Octavio Silva, I am an adrenaline junkie who loves daredevil stunts and kicking ass.

I sat beside Pathfinder as I wrote this, he had his smile emoticon on his chest and he was talking to Gibraltar. Pathfinder was a robot, more specifically an advanced robot who never knew his creator. He was a good person though, his real name was Marvin and he was an exceptional teammate as well, Gibraltar was a shielded fortress, a man who would be feared by any sane person in the arena. Sitting across from me was one of the newer people, Crypto, none of us knew much about him still even though he had been here for at least five months. He has wavy black hair and always wears green. We were the only ones in the gym at the time, we had new equipment as well as a new area to train in.

'Hey Octavio,' I heard a high-pitched voice say from behind me, a French accent behind it, I turned and Natalia was stood there. She had blonde hair that was tied into a ponytail at the back of her head, she wore a blue jumpsuit, much like she did in the arena. 'Hey Nat, what are you doing here?' I asked and she smiled back, 'I'm here to train, silly,' she said and I smiled at her, we stood there for a minute before either of us said anything, but she was the first to say something, 'Do you need your legs working on? I need to work on my inteceptor if you wanna come along.' She smiled widely at me and I nodded and went with her, she set out a load of tools and started taking her inteceptor apart and I stole a wrench and started working on tightening my mechanical tendons. We knew we had a fight today but we didn't know when, we also knew that we had someone new coming in, so we were preparing for the worst, none of us watched the news except Lifeline. but she never spoke of who the new person was.

'Dropship leaving in Two minutes' the announcer voiced and we all headed towards the ship, waiting for lift off I talked to Natalia a bit more. She was a soothing person who knew my rush for adrenaline and stupidity could get the better of me, so she would talk some sensibility into me to stop me from doing the worst of my stunts. We were talking about who we thought the new Legend would be, the announcer started pairing people up into Three's in its extremely robotic voice. 'Squads are about to be announced!' The announcer boomed over the loudspeaker like someone ahd turned the volume up too high.

'Squad One: Pathfinder and Bloodhound.' Bloodhound looked at Path and nodded slightly, 'I guess there could be worse, Allfather shall guide us both this fine day.' He said and Path changed his emoticon to angry then to happy.

'Squad Two: Gibraltar and Lifeline.' Gibraltar high-fived Lifeline, they were used to pairing up and worked exceptionally as a team, which was going to prove extremely difficult.

'Squad Three: Crypto and Revenant.' We all looked at each other with shocked expressions, Crypto was emotionless and waited to meet his teammate as did all of us.

'Squad Four: Octane and Wattson.' We shared smiles at each other, we paired well in the arena but Natalia was always cautios around my jumpads.

'Squad Five: Caustic and Wraith.' They nodded to each other as they knew they made an exceptionaly deadly pair.

'Squad Six: Mirage and Bangalore.' Mirage stood up and went over to Bangalore, highfiving her and promising not to be annoying.

The dropship lowered and we all prepared to jump where we wanted, me and Wattson had decided earlier in the day to land at The Geyser, which was one of the last stops on the dropships course. Crypto was preparing to jump when a robotic, deadly creature step foot behind him, he stood next to Crypto and looked back at us. 'Get in my way and you'll know the reason I'm called Revenant.' His voice was a mix of robotic and smoky, and we all started to slightly worry about having a somewhat killing machine enter the arena. Me and Wattson stood near the back, Crypto and Revenant jumped first, landing in Skyhook, then the number of us in the dropship dwindled until me and Natalia were the last ones left, she pointed towards Geyser underneath the ship and I laughed, 'Keep up if you can,' I said, laughing, and I popped a Stim into my leg and jumped, I heard Wattson giggle as she jumped after me.

We landed on opposite sides of the Geyser, I went into the building in front of me, picking up a Hemlok AR with a holo sight and an extended magazine. Nat was on the other side and she voiced over our interlocked communication devices that each legend was fitted with that she had a Havoc rifle, we met back up at the middle of Geyser, use the Geyser's current and land ourselves at Sorting Factory, which is where the ring was closing. We did just that and landed at the door of the hanger at the Factroy, we walked in and Nat siggested we went upstairs and used her defense system to keep us safe, which I reluctantly agreed to as I hated standing still. We went into the room at the top and she set her inteceptor and her defensive perimeter walls up.

I heard distant gunfire as I sat in the window of our safety room, and I saw the glint of a sniper scope in the distance, I ducked and a bullet went past my head, 'Enemy Squad.' I said and Wattson nodded, scoping her new found Sentinel in on their position. I launched my jump pad over to the edge of the building and pushed a stim into my leg, then I ran at the pad and jumped over the other side of the building, then I ran toward where we had seen the glint of the scope.

I saw Crypto and Revenant, Crypto had his drone ready for deployment as I ran up behind them, 'Say hello to the Oc-train.' I said as I shot a few bullets into Crypto and he fell, wounded. Revenant turned round, throwing his silence ability at me. I was distracted by the red haze that surrounded my eyes and he shot a few bullets into my chest, I fell and he grabbed me by the neck. 'Are your friends nearby? I can't wait to make their aquaintance.' He then threw me at the ground, I closed my eyes, awaiting certain death.

'Squad Three are the first squad to be eliminated.' I opened my eyes when a sudden shock went through my body, I opened my eyes to see Nat standing over me with her hands clapped together and a chipper smile streched across her face. 'Get up, rings closing again.' She said in a smiley tone, and I proceeded to get up and start running towards the ring closure site, it was closing tighter around Sorting Factory. We ran back into the building that we had fortified and Wattson posted her Pylon back where it was before and her fences back as they had deconstructed when she had left.

'Squad Five are the second eliminated.' The announcer sounded and we looked at each other 'Caustic and Wraith,' I said and Wattson nodded, we were watching all sides as we sat, waiting for some action. We stayed in the same position for the next ring closure as it seemed to be closing around the room we were in. Out of nowhere a grenade blew the door off of the second entrance to the room and Pathfinder stood there.

'Hi Friends.'

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