"Why Are You Sorry?"

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Hello Weebs and gamerrsss apparently I only like making this at night for some reason welp hope yall like it thank you soo much were almost at 500 readers reiii thank you thank you so much! OOP enough of my fangirling hope yall like this ^^

3rd person's POV

Both of them were speachless they couldn't speak, Harith opened his mouth but nothing came out of it...Chang'e finally came with they're ice creams, Diggie and Cyclops gave harith and Harley theyre ice cream while Chang'e gave Nana her popsicle, They all went to a hill and sat down a tree, Cyclops and Chang'e were chasing each other while Nana and Diggie talked about magic... Harith joined Chang'e and Cyclops and Harley just slept under the tree.

Nana's POV

I look at my back to see a ginger headed guy with his hat on his face napping, Nana looked back at diggie and continued they're talk.


I heard a shout in the distance I stood up to see who it was.


As the figure got closer I saw two silvered haired boys and a wolf!

"Hey Nana!, How are you today!"

The Silver haired guy wich is dyrroth greeted.

"Alright!, Btw who is he?"

I pointed at the silver haired guy with a tint of blue fade in his hair

"Ah!, This is Popol!.. The new hero, My sister was busy so i had to take him around!"

A wolf suddenly appeared the wolf had the same colour as the boy's hair, The silver haired boy went near us,

"Hello!., im Popol nad this is my best friend Kupa!"

He petted his Wolf pet, Dyrroth explained where he came from and we both exchanged greetings

"Look at the time.., We need to go now see you around Nana, Harith, Harley, Diggie, Chang'e and Cyclops"

Dyrroth waved and walked towards the center of moniyan, Popol said his goodbye's too and left following dyrroth

"Its nice having a new hero joining us"

Chang'e said with a smile in her face, The three of them stopped running around and was panting insanely..

"Yeah, I heard there's another new hero coming up"

Cyclops was sitting next Chang'e laying down on the grass.

"Theres alot of hero's coming up actually, some of our comrades are getting revamped and buffed too"

Nana pointed out and stood up straight pointing at the 'MoonToon Revamption Center'

"I hate that place, It always gives me soo much nerfs since i came here"

Harith pouted, Harley tried not to laugh

"This day went well didnt it?"

Diggie smiled and looked at Nana laying on the floor kinda under the weather

"Yeah, The ice cream was yummy!"

Nana noticed Diggie looking at her and smiled,


A voice was heard in the distance, It wad Ash calling for Me...I stood up and signaled him to come near us

"Hey ash!"

Chnag'e and Diggie greeted with a smile, Since cyclops was already asleep, Harith and Harley were Silent but still gave a little smile

"Whats up?"

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