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A/N: Another one? I had this idea floating around for quite some time. Some superpowers (and also intense training) means our birbs probably excel in gym class, right? It's a little messy since it was kind of fast, and I think a little more experimental than the last ones. There are a few writing styles I want to play with, so I'm guessing these one shots are a great way to do so.

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, doing this for fun


Please enjoy!

"Make sure you roll those shorts as high as you can!" Raven heard the shrill giggling of girls behind her as she habitually tugged hers lower.

For Azar's sake, the last thing she wanted to do was listen to their stupid, boy-crazy banter, but the simple mentioning of his name perked up her ears and glued her feet in place, even though she was already done changing.

"I've seen the way Damian Wayne looks at you," one girl cooed with her high-pitched voice.

"Stop it! You're making me blush," another countered playfully.

Raven froze.

She knew that voice, she knew it very well.

It wasn't because she'd witnessed Damian talk to her more than enough times, or because he laughed with her when she told a joke, or she sometimes asked him to help with her Calculus problems – and he accepted. No it wasn't that, it wasn't that at all.

"You guys get along so well! He's always talking to you."

Raven clenched her jaw.

Okay...maybe it was that.

She fumbled with her clothes inside her gym locker, trying to appear busy as the girl with the shiny, soft waved hair like silk and baby blue eyes passed her, still quipping away about Damian with her friends and how he was "soooooooo dreamy" and "such a gentleman" and la la la this and la la la that. Raven rolled her eyes. If only they knew him back at the tower. Dreamy and gentlemen-like he was not. Well, he could be, but only on occasion. Rare occasion, at that.

As their annoying, prickling voices trailed away, Raven slammed her locker door shut, sighing heavily under her breath. How could Damian like her? How could he like a girl that looked like some doll and acted like some privileged princess, like someone that didn't know how to work to earn something?

She rolled her eyes again, trudging towards the door. If Damian did like any person, Raven was 100% absolutely positive that it would be someone that, at the very least, didn't rely on her girlish charm to woo guys, someone that wasn't always playing the damsel in distress. At the very least, Damian would like a girl that had a bite to her bark, someone that could fight, someone like...

"Okay kiddos!" the gym teacher called, causing her to jump.

She hadn't even realized that she had stepped out of the locker room and into class until the abrupt sound of his voice pierced her, knocking her right back into reality. The stupid reality in which this long-haired brunette and her petite figure and flowery voice and eyes like the morning sky were all focused on Damian. Raven gritted her teeth. They were talking and laughing again, and she felt a scissor snip at the heartstrings in her chest. She quickly tore her eyes away and swallowed hard.

Why was this getting to her, anyways? He was just her friend. Just her teammate. Just someone she knew a little more than usual and trusted a little more than normal. There wasn't anything wrong with that, was there? There wasn't anything special in that, right?

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