7 things - Miley Cyrus

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Joe let some tears slip as he thought about his former boyfriend, Nick, who's also his brother.

Joe and Nick were together for almost a year. Keyword - WERE together.

Ever since Nick's new album dropped and Nick became famous again, he had become REALLY arrogant. He cared about his career than him. Joe actually suggested to write a duet together but Nick wouldn't have it.

And now Demi. Joe shuddered, he HATED her. She always had her head too far up Nick's ass, always being clingy, sucking up to him.

Joe saw a notepad and pen beside him and picked it up. He started writing things that he hated about Nick.

1. He's vain (I actually don't know what this word means but I searched it on Google and I trust Google xD )

(Author's note - flashbacks will be in italics)

Joe was on the edge of the bed looking at his boyfriend preening himself in the mirror trying to look good for the stupid Jingle Ball and Demi. He and Demi have gotten really close, TOO close for Joe's liking and he HATED it.
Nick ignored his boyfriend who is staring at him in awe.
He just continued to preen himself.

2. His games

Joe was trying on skinny jeans and he turned to Nick.

"Do they make my thighs look fat" Joe asked. He was always insecure about his thighs.

"Kinda" Nick said.

Joe's lip trembled, his eyes filling with tears.

" I was just playing with you. Jeez! Don't be a baby" Nick said hastily

3. He's insecure

"Joe... What if I mess up????" Nick panicked

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