The thunder would not stop outside the cave!! Sometimes I wish I could just crawl into a dark, silent, black hole and stay there for as long as possible.
"Abbigal!!" Growled Razor. I lifted my head from my knees. He sat on his hind legs and looked down at me. I stared into his cold blue eyes. "Abbigal you missed dinner. You'll be going to bed hungry." He informed. "I know" I replied, and went back to my peaceful place in the corner. He walked off quietly.
My ears twitched at the sound of my name. Engagement? With who? I lifted my head once again and walked over. The cave's cold air came rushing through all at once. My corner is so warm. "What?" I asked as I reached them. A brown wolf and a wolf demon looked up at me. The demon was cross legged on the cave floor. "You must be Abbigal." The wolf had the gift of speech like some other wolfs in my pack. "She's a half demon." The demon spoke. My ears twitched at the distaste in his voice. "Yeah what of it?" Inisha had my back no matter what. She was a beautiful full blown wolf demon and probably the only one who would talk to me, besides Razor, but then again Razor was my dad. " Half demons are vermin that shouldn't even be alive, and therefore are not worthy of the privilege to marry our second heir to the head of the clan." The wolf demon said coldly. Inisha made a disgusted sound in the back of her throat.
"Inisha!" Inisha's head twirled around at the sound of her name, whipping her white hair into the wolf demon's face, who was now standing. "That's enough!" Razor was in his human form now looking her straight in the eye. He looked towards the wolf demon and said that I'm strong willed and very quite, so quite that they probably know I was there. Gee thanks dad you are so nice, I thought. The wolf demon glared at my direction. I decided to put on my nicest smile and stare back. "Fine, we'll be back with Sora tomorrow. Take care." The demon said. He turned and stalked off. "Oh, we will" I called back, waving and smiling. As soon as they were out of sight (and earshot) I grimaced. I turned towards Razor and glared. "Is that any way to look at your father." He said
"Dad, an arranged marrige?!"