Chapter 27: "Kind and Pure"

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"Fuck! Fuck! fuck !.........." KO shouted, while his hands trembled, he reached out for his special phone, there was only 1 number on it........he dialed it, with a queasy feeling in his stomach. The person on the other end answered without a sound.

"They came and got her ! I don't know when, my feed was manipulated, I don't know how they took her out but I'm sure they are going to interrogate her.............and Cut Throat...just so you know........its know how he does his interroga-.........." The line got cut.

KO pressed a button on the side of his bed, if you were new to the room you wouldn't even notice it was there, it moulded so beautifully with the wall paper it was almost impossible to distinguish.

There was a mechanical sound as one part of his wall suddenly started going up, underneath it an impressive assortment of weapons were on display. KO quickly started changing he knew Cut Throat would be here in a matter of minutes, he put on his black clothes and shield, slowly starting to load weapons onto himself.


Leila's body shuddered with fright, she felt cold as though she were in a freezer room, her screams sounded with echo, she could almost feel the emptiness of the room. The harsh ropes tied in to her wrists, as she was tied to the steel chair. There was no escape for her. She wanted to scream so bad, but she realized at this time saving her energy was vital, she might just need it. She could feel bright lights shining through her blindfold.

Suddenly she froze and stayed as still as possible, she distinctively heard the door open and large heavy footsteps made an echo as they approached her closer and closer. She felt a coarse hand roughly pull the blindfold off of her face.

There he was, the man named Rodger, looking smug with himself. "Well well........look what we have here? Word has it you seem to be quite popular nowadays eh?" He said arrogantly

Leila didn't reply to him

"Look here missy, there are only 2 ways of doing this...........either the easy way........or the hard way......and I'll have you know....if you decide to do this the hard way, I might actually have more fun than you How about that...?" Rodger said, laughing to himself, his crazy laugh echoing all across the room. Leila turned around to see there were broad large windows on the left hand side of the room, it must be a one way glass.

"Hey ! Watchu looking at ! is where you should be looking...right here !" he said roughly grabbing her face and forcing her to look at his obscene face.

"Right..........i'll ask the give the answers...simple enough innit?" Rodger said ,bending down...till his eyes were less than an inch from hers...she nodded her head feverently

"What were you doing with Cut Throat on that day ..." He said slowly and deliberately.

"I .......i was......kidnapped by him...." Leila stuttered



"What did Cut Throat tell you ..."

"He didn't say much............I woke up in a strange place.....he told me to change clothes...and then we left the place...and tha-...that's- when we found you...."

"So you're saying you spent a whole night with Cut Throat and he didn't tell you anything...?"

"Ye-yes....i was knocked out..........i re-really don't remember much.......i rem-remember waking up and finding him there....." Leila said

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