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❤️ 939393k 💬 9292921k Liked by @cynthiaparker @hater
@tiktoktearoom: we had a message of tiktoker Quinton griggs and singer songwriter/tiktoker Ashleigh Jones kissing at sway la and roomer has it Quinton is still dating Cynthia parker although he's kissing Ashleigh
@brycehall: take this down @hater: poor Cynthia @AJ_jones: I like the pic DM it to me😘 @qgriggs: my and Cynthia aren't dating she cheated on me with mattia @AJFan: this is unfair on AJ
It's almost midnight and me and Quinton are sat on the couch and I'm snuggled into his chest.
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❤️ 8282828k 💬 293949k Liked by @qgriggs and @brycehall
@AJ_jones: snuggle buddy and I might need to steal dat hoodie tho
@qgriggs: it's yours AJ >@AJ_jones:yay @Fan2343:⛴️ @brycehall:^ @avani:^^ @nickaustin: ^ i don't @cynthiaparker: boyfriend stealer @fatherkels: my bebe
fter watching nearly every movie on Disney+ I got up to get changed in some pajamas:
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I walk back into the living room and Quinton turns around and starts taking of his hoodie then running to me
(A- AJ Q- Quinton)
A: what are you doing
Q: there's boys in every corner of this house and there not seeing what's mine
A: oh so I'm an object now
Q: no that's not what I mean
A: seems like it
Q: well it's not AJ
A: why are we even arguing like we're a couple were not together and we probably never will I mean no one will ever like me
Q: I like you Ashleigh
A: just leave me alone for a bit okay Quinton
*Ashleigh leaves*
Q: the fuck
(B- Bryce)
B: Quinton come here
Q: why did she get so angry
B: well she has level 2 ADHD
Q: oh shi- I need to go talk to her
B: I think you should
AJ's Pov:
I sit against my door and crying because i shouldn't of yelled at Quinton like that I feel so bad. All of a sudden I hear knocks at the door I stand up immediately and open the door to see Quinton I immediately hug him and cry more