Chapter Four - Twin Switcharoos

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"Hostage, maybe?" Chat suggested with a shrug as I groaned loudly and threw my yo-yo outside before propelling myself to follow my sister

Once I spotted a flying hair dryer, I immediately followed it from a distance, my mouth agape when I saw the hair dryer stop at our house and the chains were erased, the hair dryer gently letting Lisa slide down to our balcony

I furrowed my brows and decided to let it slide for now. We should probably investigate why the guy attacked Chloe but didn't harm Lisa

"Chat Noir," I called through my yo-yo and he immediately answered, "Have you found Lisa?" He asked, his voice stern

"Yes, she's home safely now," I informed him as he nodded, "Any idea why he would do that?" He asked as I shrugged

"We should probably ask Chloe, the guy seemed to have a grudge against her." I suggested, "Let's meet up at Chloe's." He said as I nodded, ending the call

Once I arrived at Chloe's, I saw Chat Noir already asking Chloe some questions

"Seems this Evillustrator is targeting you, Chloe. Any idea why?" He asked as Chloe continued to draw on a paper while dramatically gasping

"No! Everyone adores me," she exclaimed making my eyes roll, "Yeah, because you're so adorable," I agreed sarcastically as she gasped, again

"Yes! Ladybug said I'm adorable," Did she purposely ignore my sarcasm or just thought I agreed with her?

"I totally need a picture of the two of us together," she squealed as she took a selfie after pulling me to her, "Ugh, that was unpleasant," I mumbled, walking away from her with my arms crossed while my brows were furrowed

"Well, I look great, of course, but your smile is all wonky," she pouted before she took another picture of us, "Sorry, I'm just a little camera shy," I reasoned, pushing her away with a frown

"Looks like somebody's got a fan," Chat teased as I rolled my eyes, probably the fifth time now, "Yeah, great!" I cheered as he narrowed his eyes at me

"So what's the deal? Why are you acting so weird?" he asked as I saw the piece of paper Chloe was drawing on earlier, "Come on, you gotta admit that this girl worshipping you is awesome." he grinned as I felt nothing but annoyance to see Chloe ruining Nathaniel's drawing, drawing is such hard work and she just ruined it out of some petty reason

Groaning, I crumpled the paper as I glared at my partner, "Seriously? I'm over this, let's go!" I ordered as he furrowed his brows, "Are you kidding? And what if the Evillustrator attacks her again?" he asked, upset with my behaviour

"Fine, you stay, later." I glared at him as I prepared to propel myself away from my partner, "What do you mean 'later'?" He asked with a frown

"I mean, you're the one who wants to protect her so you don't need me. So, later!" I exclaimed before throwing my yo-yo in the direction of our house, once I arrived at the rooftop, I quickly de-transformed and went inside


It's been a few minutes since the hair dryer suspiciously dropped me home—gently, but I couldn't stop myself from being worried for Marinette. After all, she hasn't answered my calls or my texts and hasn't arrived home yet!

"Lisa?" a voice asked, snapping me out of my thoughts as I immediately engulfed her in a hug after she climbed down our bed, "Marinette, you're okay!" I breathed out before pulling away, my hands on her shoulder as I examined her

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