Was It Just A Kiss?

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The next morning you woke up to see 3 missed calls from Hoseok. The remembrance of yesterday's events made you blush like crazy. You never knew that would happen but Hoseok didn't stop you. The kiss both of you shared felt different than any you've ever experienced before. It had true emotions towards it. Your once friendship had turned into a complete mess. You didn't know wether Hoseok thought of you as a friend after what happened.

You decided to get out of bed and take a long shower.

When you were done, you headed downstairs for breakfast. You thought it'd be just like every other day. Just your mother, father, and yourself.

But no.

Hoseok was there as well.

There was tension in the room since you didn't know what to say. Hoseok could tell you were nervous from everything that had happened. So, he got up and took your hand.

He placed you right next to him.

You all then began to eat your breakfast in silence.

Your parents could tell something was different but they kept it to them self.

After breakfast your parents had to go to work. Both you and Hoseok said good bye to them and watched them as they left.

You didn't like being silent.

Hoseok thought you'd talk but you didn't.

Hoseok: "So... how did you sleep last night?"

You didn't really know what to say since you barely got sleep. So, you decided to change the subject.

You: "Want to go for a walk?"
Hoseok: "Sure."


After walking for a while, Hoseok found a café. You remembered it.

It was one he took you to a few years back.

You smiled as you had remembered that.

Hoseok then took your hand as you guys walked in together. He found a nice spot where you'd sit. It was near the window so you could see how beautiful it was outside. Hoseok then ordered some food and drinks for you two.

After eating, you guys head out of the café.

You were about to say something when Hoseok randomly stopped dead in his track. You looked around but you saw nothing. You thought he needed to sneeze or something like that but no. He then started to speak.

Hoseok: "The kiss."

You froze as you thought he wouldn't bring it up.

You: "What about it..?"

It took Hoseok a few seconds to figure out what he was going to say. But those few seconds felt like minutes to you.

Hoseok: "What did it mean to you."

You felt your face turn a bright shade of red. You didn't know how to answer that. You wanted to tell Hoseok that you liked him more than a friend but you were afraid he'd reject you.

You: "I should ask you that. What did it mean to you?"

Hoseok flashed you a big smile as he started to speak again.

Hoseok: "That's a secret!"

He then began to walk again as you were left without an answer.

You two started to walk again until you reached a park. It was the one you and Hoseok would always go to.

Hoseok lead you to a bench where you guys sat the last time you were hear.

The time flew by fast as you noticed the sun was already setting. You and Hoseok were staring at one another as he started to move in closer. Once he was face to face with you, he spoke again.

Hoseok: "That kiss felt special. It was like no other."

As Hoseok said that, he gently grabbed your face as you guys kissed for the second time.

This time it was a longer one.


As Hoseok and you got back to your house he walked you up to the door. You didn't want this day to be over just yet.

And you didn't want Hoseok to leave.

You: "Hoseok..?"

He looked at you.

Hoseok: "Yeah, what's up?"
You: "Would you like to stay the night?"

You saw that Hoseok got happier in that moment.

Hoseok: "Of course!"

You sighed as relief filled your body.

Hoseok didn't have to go just yet and you were happy about that.


As the sun came up you were awoken to yet another delightful smell of food being made. You looked over the couch to see Hoseok. You loved how he was so generous and always there to help.

You got up and gave him a hug from behind. It felt right to do so.

After making food, you and Hoseok sat down to eat. Your parents weren't there just yet so it was just you and him. You were really confused as towards what you and Hoseok were now. So, you asked him.

You: "What are we?"

Hoseok looked up and stared into your eyes.

Hoseok: "It's up to you."

You wanted to ask him right there but you heard the footsteps of your parents.

The chance to ask Hoseok was gone at that moment but you knew there was another time to ask.

Right before Hoseok left, you and him were outside.

You made sure to close the door.

You took a deep breath.

You: "Hoseok, do you consider us friends or lovers..?"

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