NEW PRIDE Chapter 1 (Young Adult Paranormal Romance Novelette)

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Following the stream south, every few feet I

rubbed my fingers against the tall brush, checking for

scents. The faint whiff of animal droppings mixed

with the dirt beneath my sneakers, but so far nothing

stuck out as significant. I’d gone miles from the new

house, and Dad would be pissed, but he’d just have to

wait until I satisfied the beast inside me.

The wind picked up, carrying with it a musk that

tickled my nose. Definitely deer. I broke into a jog

along its trail, muscles quaking with the possibility of

a hunt.

I had to slow down. If I shifted now, my clothes

would be wrecked, and I’d have to return home

naked. Not cool. I rubbed the growing stubble on my

chin and the beginning of whiskers tickled the back of

my hand.

A rustling to my right drew me. Screw helping

Dad set traps to catch game. I wanted—no needed—to

run off some pent up energy, and what better way to

do that than tracking live prey.

I kicked off my shoes, stripped, and hung my

clothes on a tree branch, all while visualizing my

body stretching into a sleek, feline shape. My canines

extended, my ears lengthened, and whiskers sprung

out on either side of my upper lip. I was thrown into a

bent position as my bones cracked, realigned, and my

muscles reconfigured. Once the shift started, I could

only ride its momentum.

A deep growl rose from my chest as I stretched

my new limbs. It’d been so long since I’d shifted.

Downwind of my potential dinner, I stalked it,

rapidly closing the distance. I crept up to a clearing

filled with tall grasses and hovered at the edge. The

doe fed on a patch of alfalfa a hundred yards away—


An easy catch. Maybe if I brought it back to Dad, I

could show him that hunting as panthers without

getting caught was possible. Then he’d have to listen

to me about giving up the trapping system.

Crouching, I padded into the clearing, using the

grass as cover. About halfway to her, the doe lifted

her head. She tuned her ears in my direction and

stomped the ground. Crap. I lay on my belly and kept

perfectly still, right down to holding my breath.

Her tail flicked, and she stomped her hoof again.

In a blink, she dashed in the opposite direction.

I shot after her, pumping my legs faster and

faster, savoring the friction of dirt under my paws

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2012 ⏰

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