(NP) End of the Summer

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Based on the song above. Alec Benjamin is amazing!!

When I was 15 in my parent's house, I met a girl when school got out. She moved into the house across the street from us over the summer. I watched her from afar at first, too scared to talk to her. When I finally did, we became friends quickly. We'd ride our bikes around the neighborhood, walk down to the creek, wander the woods, everything two teens would do.

I realized partway into our relationship that I grew to love her. Everything about her. The way her face would light up whenever she saw a dog, the way her wavy brown hair shined in sunlight and you could see the hints of red, the way her eyes changed depending on the lighting from brown to hazel with specks of blue and green. She was amazing in every way.

We got along really well. I don't think she realized how I felt about her. I never wanted to tell her. I feared it would ruin our relationship. I didn't want her to be weirded out with me. I didn't mind being just friends with her, as long as she was there. As long as I could be with her.

She eventually asked me out. I was surprised. I had no idea she returned my feelings for her. I immediately said yes. We were so happy as friends, I thought it wouldn't be any different. I was wrong.

A few months later, she broke up with me. Saying she found someone else. I was devastated. I still loved her, but I was glad she was happy.

We drifted apart junior year of high school. Finding ourselves in different friend groups, liking different things, and having different schedules, we hardly talked anymore. I still thought about her. Still loved her. I wondered if she ever thought of me.

Once we got to college age, we moved out and went to different schools in different towns. It was too late to tell her I still loved her. I sit back now and then just to pretend that when she calls me, I'll tell her how I feel. But I never would. And she'd never call. And every night before I sleep, I like to think she thinks of me. But I know she probably doesn't.

There's suddenly a knock on my door and I get up to open it.

"Hey, Soph..."

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