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"It's waiting for you, and I am, too. Please, come over" Sam was at the other side of the phone trying to convince me to go meet her up at her place.

"I don't know, Sam. It's late, you know my folks won't let me go out now, especially not the judge, and especially not at this time. Plus, how am I even gonna get there?".

"You'll figure something out. I want to see you tonight.. I'll tell you what, if you come, I'll let you do that thing you like to do to me so much.." Well.. there's an offer I can't reject.

"God.. you know the exact words to make this man come to life. I'll see what I can do. Don't know how long will take me to get there, but babe, wait up" I hang up, thinking about how was I gonna get over to Sam's, getting out of the house was easy, I'm so quite and silent when it comes to sneking out that a dead body wouldn't have a chance against me. The real problem here was, getting to Sam's house, an idea came to mind but I completely dismiss it right away, it was an idea that could get me killed, however at the same time it seemed like my only resource to get to my destination, "Agh, the things you do for a woman" I sighed and decided to go with my crazy, this-plan-it's-gonna-get-me-killed idea. I took a shower, I must say I really cleaned my special places, not that I don't do it everyday but I was going over to Sam's so I just wanted everything "more" perfect than it already was, got dressed in jeans and a hoodie, took the keys, my wallet which contained driver's license, a couple of bucks and, of course, what every regular expecting to get laid teenager has in his wallet, a condom. I managed to sneak out of my room, passed my parent's bedroom and walk down the stairs and out of the house with no problem at all, the easy part was behind me, the real predicament was my mad, insane, freaking idea of .. taking the judge's precious car, whom I'm pretty sure loves more than me. I must really be mental. I open the garage, with the keys on my hands that I took from the bowl in the living room where the judge always leaves them when he gets home everyday from court, with the keys moving nervously in my hands I jump right to it, get in the car, and start it, ready to hit the road when I notice a figure standing outside the garage, in front of the car.

"What do you think you're doing?" He was standing there, bigger than me, taller than me, but not more handsome than me, with his baseball cap and jacket on, ball on left hand, my older brother.

"Glenn, what are you doing here? I thought you were sleeping. Were you still practicing at this time in the night?" I said, trying to make him dismiss the fact that I'm in the judge's car but knowing that I was going to fail.

"Yes. What are you doing in dad's car? You know he's gonna kill you when he finds out your ass has been seated on his leather seats" Glenn says, giving me a smirky smile.

"That's why you're not gonna tell anything to him, right, right?" I open my eyes big, looking defiant, not breaking eye contact with him.

"Okay." said Glenn finally.

"Oh, thank God" I sighed in relief. I started the engine but Glenn's still blocking the way.

"Okay.. but, I'm coming with you".

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