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"I KNOW JUST WHO I'LL DANCE WITH!" LILLIAN'S OLDER SISTER, Meg spoke. "Who will you dance with Jo?" Amy, the second youngest of the five asked her sister. "You know I never dance." Jo, the second oldest, complained. "I can't dance." Beth, the youngest said. "Oh just imagine all the fancy plants!"Lily, the third oldest of the family, gasped. "Why can't we all go to the party! It isn't fair!" Amy groaned. Meg sighed as she tried to fit her feet into slippers that were about a year and a half old.

"Just wear your regular shoes!" Jo told her. "These fit last winter!" Meg said still trying to fit her feet into the shoes. "That was last winter Meg." Lily told her older sister softly. "My nose will simply not look refined!" Amy spoke trying to shape her nose. "I like your nose." Beth said.

"Now Jo-" Amy started wanting to help Jo, who was curling Meg's hair. "Don't touch me, thanks! I already feel ridiculous! I don't need to look it as well!" Jo pushed Amy away. "You could like pretty, if you just tried!" Amy groaned. "Don't want to! Won't do it." Jo shook her head. "I don't want to go. I just wish to hear the music." Beth signed. "I'll try and memorize the melody and i'll sing it to you." Jo smiled at the girls.

"Ought they have to smoke like that?" Lillian eyebrows furrowed watching Jo curl Meg's hair. "It's the dampness drying." Jo shrugged. "What a queer smell, like burnt feathers." Amy shuddered. "There, now you will see a ringlet." Jo told Meg as she took out the curler. But on the curler was a strand of Meg's hair. Jo rightfully screamed and then so did Meg.

"You're ruined!" Amy laughed. "Why is her hair off?" Beth questioned as she and Lily stifled a laugh. "Meg i'm so sorry!" Jo told her sister as Meg jumped and looked at herself in the mirror. "What have you done! Marmee! My hair is spoilt, I can't go to the ball!" Meg cried out to their mother. "I'm sorry you shouldn't have asked me to do it!" Jo defended herself from getting in trouble.

After the two sisters left, Lily grabbed her lantern and gardening tools before looking over at her two sisters. "Remember if mom is coming-" "Knock on the door twice." Amy, Beth and Lily all quoted. Lily smiled and nodded her head before walking out to her garden.

Lillian's garden meant more to her then anything in the world. She had been working on it, ever since her father taught her how to plant a flower. Which was nearly 3 years ago. And whenever she could, Lily would sneak out to the back and work on it.

JO AND MEG WALKED THROUGH THE DOOR MEG hobbling on one foot. Meg had twisted her ankle since her shoes were to small. Lily was still in the garden. And she had been for hours. Amy came out for a bit to talk to her and keep her company but eventually left as she got to scared of the bugs and nosies.

Their mother, Marmee they called her walked in, "My goodness child, what happened?" She said rushing forward to help her daughter. Amy rushed over to knock on the glass but was blinded by the boy that walked in with Jo and Meg.

"Here make some room. We got a wounded solider!" Jo joked helping setting her down on the couch, Marmee called for Hannah, their maid, to bring her some ice.

"Come in come in! I enjoy baking in the middle of the night! Don't mind the mess Mr.Laurence." Marmee said nodding to the mess on the kitchen table.

"Laurie please." The boy name Laurie said. Jo looked up, "Can I call you Teddy?" She asked and Laurie smiled with a nod. Amy smiled siting back down still looking at Laurie, "I'm Amy." She said and Laurie nodded, "Hi." He responded.

"You must be apart of the girls theatrical!" Marmee said smiling at the boy. "They could use an extra player although you'll have to fight Jo for male roles or play a female. Here have a scone." Marmee said handing him a scone. He thanked her before taking a bite of it.

"Laurie how are your ankles? Do you need ice?" She joked thanking Hannah for the ice and placing it on Meg's ankle. Laurie smiles before shaking his head. "No thank you miss." He spoke.

"Oh please call me mother or marmee everyone does!" She said looking around for her 5th daughter and groaning. She faced Amy and gave her the look. "Amy where's Lily?" She asked. Amy gasped and tried to make up a lie but saw the look her mother gave her and blurted our, "She's working in her garden!" Marmee sighed and shook her head.

She faced and Laurie and smiled an exhausted smile. "Could you go fetch Lily? She's in the garden again!" She said. Laurie nodded before walking out into the cold air.

Lily hearing the door open mentally smacked her head for not hearing Amy's knocks. She turned around and took of her gloves. "I'm sorry Marmee. I just had to-" She stoped finally looking up to not see her mother instead the boy that lived nextdoor.

"Um hello?" She said bending down to pick up her tools. He smiled, "Uh Hi! I'm Laurie. You mother sent me out to get you. Your sister uh Meg sprained her ankle." He said holding out his hand. Lily nodded, "I'm Lily." She said shaking his hand before running inside even though she knew Marmee was gonna yell at her,

She opened the door and rolled her eyes playfully and her sister Meg. "Your gonna kill yourself with fashion one of these days Meg." She said sliding off her shoes and placing the tools down. She went to hug her sister but her sister stopped her. "You are not getting dirt one me!" She said making everyone laugh.

Lily looked down and saw how filthy her pants were. She nodded. "Understandable." Lily heard a cough from behind her and glared daggers at the youngest child that failed to inform her to come inside. She faced her mother and gave her a great big smile. "Hello Marmee! How are you on this fine evening." She asked trying to ignore that she was outside in her garden instead of in bed and asleep.

Marmee shook her head a smile coming on her face. "You were supposed to be asleep 2 hours ago! Instead your filthy and in the garden with the worms!" She said nodding to Hannah to start the bath. Lily gasped, "I would never!" Making everyone in the room laugh.

After the laughter dialed down Marmee put a serious look on her face, "No more of that. I've let you before do it, cause I know how much you love it. But you need to stay inside now that it's getting colder." Marmee said. Lily's and Amy's jaw dropped. Marmee smiled, "A mother knows my dear. A mother knows." Lily nodded and walked over to her before tackling Amy in a hug making her groan and start to yell.

Lily wasn't mad at Amy but she wanted to joke around. "I'm sorry! Laurie's beauty blinded me!" Which made Lily laugh and get off of her. She turned around and smiled at Jo before tackling her as well. Eventually all the sisters joined in all of them becoming dirty.

Marmee laughed and looked at Laurie who was smiling at the 5 on the floor. "My girls know how to get into trouble." She said. Laurie nodded and turned his gaze towards her. "So do I." He said.

Hannah came down the stairs and nodded towards Marmee. Marmee clapped, "Alright since you all are filthy now you all need bath's. Beth your first come on." She said guiding Beth upstairs. Lily sat up and held her knees apart so they were a bit opened, making Amy and Meg hit her.

Jo smiled at Lily and copied her and the two laughed at each other as one sister started smacking them both with a pillow,

Laurie laughed loudly causing them to stop, now remembering Laurie was there. Lily stood up and smiled. "It was nice meeting you Lauire. But I bet your grandfather wants you home." She said and Laurie nodded.

"It was a pleasure to meet you." Lauire said shaking her hand again before leaving. Lily turned around and all the sisters started to laugh once more.


authors note!
i didn't change much in this chapter, except
the first half, but enjoy!!

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