Remus x male! reader

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• riot van •

Up rolls a riot van
And sparks excitement in the boys

The two of us sat there, drinking and laughing. We were young and dumb back then. Neither of is had a plan so we just caused chaos. So seeing the police van felt like a good thing.

But the policemen look annoyed
Perhaps these are ones they should avoid

No one else seemed to share the excitement we did. We didn't remember the cops being called. They probably wanted to be handling something different. Not two drunk teenagers who didn't have anywhere better to be.

Got a chase last night
From men with truncheons dressed in hats
We didn't do that much wrong
Still ran away though, for the laugh
Just for the laugh

The moment we saw them, we got up and sprinted. We didnt even take the bottle with us. We just left it there. To be honest, I'm still not sure why we did run. We could of just accepted defeat but I guess it added to the excitement.

And please just stop talking
'Cause they won't find us if you do
Oh, those silly boys in blue
Well, they won't catch me and you

I remember rambling on and on when we tried to hide. I talked about how I didnt know what was happening and how I was scared. Remus just laughed and told me to shut up. He tried convincing me that we'd be fine as long as we stayed quiet. And I believed him.

"Have you been drinking, son?
You don't look old enough to me"
"I'm sorry, officer
Is there a certain age you're supposed to be?
'Cause nobody told me"

When they got to us, they started questioning us about the alcohol we'd just consumed. Remus just started teasing them and (for part of it) I joined in. We joked about how we were "clearly old enough" and how "there isn't an age when you can start" but they didn't find it funny. They seemed slightly agitated.

And up rolls the riot van
And these lads just wind the coppers up
They ask why they don't catch proper crooks
They get their address and their names took
But they couldn't care less

It started to get more serious when the van parked next to us. The alcohol was taking more of an effect on us and we just started to have a go at them (obviously a stupid idea but we didn't realise at the time). They ask us for our names and addresses which we reluctantly give them. We weren't too bothered by the whole situation. It felt like a huge joke.

Thrown in the riot van
And all the coppers kicked him in
And there was no way he could win
Just had to take it on the chin

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