Chapter 36: Heat of anger

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HGD36: Heat of anger

"There's nothing wrong about being alone than being surrounded by fake people."-gelyenbalm

NAKATINGGIN ako sa papel na inabot nya saakin. Binasa ko iyon kahit na hindi ko naman gaanong naiintindihan ang nakalagay doon.

"Walang witness?" Tanong ko.

"Umorder muna tayo." Aniya at tumawag ng waiter.

"Anong sayo?" Tanong nya matapos itong umorder ng pagkain.

"I'm not here for food." Umirap ako at ibinalik ang tinggin sa papel.

He sighed. "Dalawang order sa lahat ng inorder ko." Anito sa waiter.

"Wala pang witness." Aniya

"Then, how can we win? Mayroon bang ebidensya? Who's the culprit? Na-arrest na ba?" Sunod-sunod kong tanong.

"Oo. Kahapon lang ay inaresto na ang possibleng may sala." Aniya

"Possible? No! Dapat sigurado!" Naiinis kong ani.

Dumating na ang pagkain at nilapag iyon sa aming mesa. Mukhang masarap ang mga yon pero kahit gutom ay wala akong gana kumain.

"Let's eat first." Aniya

I rolled my eyes. "I told you, I wasn't here for food!" I hissed.

"Hindi ka pa kumakain mula kanina. Kumain ka na muna." Aniya

As if he's really concern!

"Wala kang pakielam kung ayokong kumain." Pagmamatigas ko.

"I care, I am your boyfriend." He said in a serious face.

I faked a laugh. "Correction, ex. Ex-boyfriend." I stated.

He look at me like he wasn't agree on what I said.

"Hindi ko maalalang nag break tayo." Matalim nya akong tinitigan.

"Really? The moment you kissed your damn ex, we're already over!" I answered.

"Who's ex?" He asks eventhough I knew that he knows.

"How many exes do you have para di mo maalala?" Naiinis kong ani.

"I didn't kissed her. " he answered.

"Right. You're a lawyer." I mocked

"What do you mean?" He asks

"A liar." I said. He look at me and I could see that he was hurt on my words. Such a great pretender!

"Look, I didn't kissed her--"

"Whatever. I'm not here to talk about that shit. You're here as my lawyer and not as my ex-boyfriend." I said.

"I'm not your ex." He said and look at me.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and put the paper on the desk.

"How can we win kung walang ebidensya? what's our asset to win?" I asks

"Eat first and I'll answer all of your questions." He said and he helf the utensils and starts eating.

"Wag mo akong utusan!" I roared.

"Okay then, if you don't eat there's no information too." Pagbabanta nito.

"You're so childish! " I hissed after I hold the utensils. I saw him smile but I just rolled my eyes.

"I don't get it why my brother chose you in this case, you seems not good in this field." Sabi ko, sinusubukang saktan ang kanyang damdamin.

"Don't you trust me?" He asks

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