Men plan: god laughs

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At The Shawl, on the Downs at Friston, missing them all ... October 2007 Whilst sheep grazed the downlands, dear and stars lit the sky I rarely asked questions, dear, no need to ask why Assumed you'd be with us, love as we'd be with you For years not just moments, dear; such moments proved few At night we'd watch headlights, dear, enjoying our wine As life came and went along the A 2-5-9 I planned days at Birling, love, whilst sun lit the cliffs Snoozing and swimming, love, no buts and no ifs We'd munch through our picnics, dear, drink glasses of wine I took us for granted, dear - why look at the time? My hopes were too easy, love, such fool's play, those schemes The tide's swamped the castle, love and all those sweet dreams Now clouds hug the sea, dear, the moon's on the rise Late days don't pass easy, dear yet, oh ... how time flies The wind's turned the wheel, love as I sew our view The stitches help bring me, love, a thought close to you And thoughts drift like leaves, dear, piled up 'neath a hedge No days like the autumn, dear to sense winter's edge The nights have drawn in, love, the light is now short No joy thinking cocktails, love, no joy in these thoughts Red sunset's ahead, dear but supper's just stew It's early to bed now, dear - life's so ... without you No gossip to tell, love, so much you won't know I listen to silence, love since you had to go relive the past, dear, when ours was the way Me Daisy, you Dilys, dear; we dogs had our day But that was back then, love and nothing like now Now's not like the nursery rhyme: the moon's jumped the cow So sunrise comes late, dear, my nights can be long Life's now about waiting, dear, I wish I was wrong Yet somehow the sun, love, turns maudlin thoughts clear Bright mornings remind me, love of why I'm still here The downs sheep still graze, dear, stars still light the sky (And you're right, Dil ...) There's still joy to look for, dear, I promise I'll try ...

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