Chapter 2

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We navigate the streets of LA for over ten minutes before we arrive at the hospital. I don't remember ever being here before. When I was hurt, my mother always told me to suck it up, that she wasn't going to spend money just so she could get somebody to tell her what she already knew. I don't know why she had to have an attitude like that all the time. She was never happy, only with her friends. I didn't make her happy, I was just her basket case that she had to keep alive.

"Vivian?" Gwen pulls me out of my thoughts and that's when I realize the lone tear streaming down my face. I wipe it away, praying that she didn't see anything, but I doubt it. "All good?" She asks, confirming my suspicions.

I wipe under my eyes once again.

"Yeah, I'm good." I reply. She smiles softly.

"Okay hun. You can leave your stuff in here." She tells me. We proceed to get out of the car and that's when everything hits me. As stupid as it sounds, I'm scared to go in there. I don't know what's behind those walls, I've never known, and frankly I would much rather never know.

When I don't follow Gwen, she stops and turns around with a concerned look in her eyes. She stands beside me, not saying anything, but rather holding her hand out for me to take. I look up into her eyes to see genuine emotion. She cares and just like she said, she'll stay by my side the whole time.

I take in a breath, placing my hand in hers. She smiles at me, leading us to the front of the building. As we're walking, I feel her thumb stroking the back of my hand for comfort. I feel only half as scared as I was before.

We get past the registration process and now we just have to wait to be seen. Gwen was able to say that she was my current Guardian and that she was fostering me. As much as I wish that was true, I think I'll have to go back to being homeless after this.

We're seated, waiting, and I'm still holding onto her hand. I don't want to let go now. What happened to me? All of a sudden, I want a loving home, a loving family, but only if it's with Gwen.

"Are you doing okay, sweetheart?" She asks me after a little while.

"My nose feels like it's throbbing. Maybe it's because I'm not used to all of this talking." I tell her.

"Yeah, that's got to be irritating it. You don't have to do anymore talking for now, just rest, babe." She says, before taking out her phone to check for any missed calls or messages. I debate the idea in my mind to rest my head on her shoulder. I'm beyond tired and I'm pretty sure it's around midnight now. I know I shouldn't be scared because she's a really affectionate person and wouldn't mind, but my fears are still getting the best of me. I don't want to ask because that would be strange. Maybe I shouldn't overthink this.

Finally, I decide to move closer and lean my head on Gwen's shoulder. I watch from the corner of my eye as a smile grows on her face. I feel her arm wrap around my shoulders and pull me closer. A smile starts to grow on my face as well.

"I'm just gonna call Blake, okay?" Gwen brings to my attention. I nod, prepared to lift my head so she can get up for some privacy, but when she starts and her arm doesn't budge around me, I become confused. Maybe she's fine with me right here. My mother would always leave the room whenever she was on the phone. Even if it was for a quick call. She said I was too much of a distraction and one she didn't want to handle while on a call.

So as I rest against Gwen, I try to give her privacy by not listening in to the conversation the best I can, but I can't help myself when she begins to talk about me.

"Remember Vivian? The sweet girl we met just a few days ago?" She seems to ask Blake. I smile at the fact that she thinks I'm sweet. But how can she call me all these things when she's only just met me? She hasn't seen the side that my mother had to live with. I didn't leave just to get away from her, but to also spare her from me.

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