Eriane Ampora

387 5 76

Name: Eriane Ampora

Blood Color: Royal Violet

Title: Prince (Princess) of Hope

TrollTag: caligulasAquarium

Typing Style: Doubles 'w', doubles 'v', no 'g' in words ending in '-ing', e.g. "somethin", no punctuation, no capitalization, refers to trolls by shortened names (Feferi = fef, Kanaya = kan, Vriska = vvris), sometimes uses "a" in place of "an or "of".

Strife Specibi: Riflekind, later Wandkind


Orphaner Dualscar - Ancestor
Cronus Ampora - Dancestor
"Skyhorse" - Lusus/Sprite (Deceased)
Eridan Ampora- GenderBent of him.

Planet: Land of Wrath and Angels

Hates: Land Dwellers

Theme song: Primadonna Girl by Mariana And The Diamonds


♥️- (S!Gamzee)

♦️-  (Fem!Cronus)



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