starter. ~Eriane

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The princess had in her arms a grub, her grub. she placed a plate in front of the hungrily squeaking grub that had a seahorse oncie on. the plate contained a pancake, she applied the syrup afterwards and butter.

"alright, ya got this, i wwant you to make me proud wwith this."


Eriane facepalmed as she watched her grub roll around the table, she gently grabbed him and sat him down again on the table, he had knocked over the center decoration. she took a fork and a butter knife, starting to cut the pancake into tiny pieces as soon as she finish she let the plate in front of him and crossed her arms. the grub merely sniffed at the pancakes before starting to nibble at one piece, let's just say the grub went as wide eyed as if he just tasted heaven.

"that's right keanos! ohh, your patron (aka father) wwill be proud a you!"


FP: there. i haven't roleplayed this cutie before. i'll name the grub, keanos, due to personal reasons.

it's pronounced. KE-nos not KE-anus, poor kid if it was.

Eriane AmporaWhere stories live. Discover now