Fun nights stand.

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"Okay Ava, I'm heading to work! " a feminine voice shouted from the first floor. A small grunt left my mouth as I tossed my phone onto my bed. I sat up slowly,  slipping on my lace black satin robe. "Ava, c'mon hun I'm going to be late. " she yelled, sounding closer this time. "I'm coming mom,  hold on, jesus. " I replied loudly, standing from my spot and making my way towards the staircase. As I approached my bundled up mother she looked at me,  a disapproving face occurring. "What? " I asked reaching the final step,  standing there as I waited for an answer. "Your father would've hated that robe. " she sneered lowly. my eyes rolled at the simple sound of my father. "Yeah yeah he would've." I murmured sliding past her and into the kitchen. "Okay Ava,  I'm working an extra shift tonight, I'll see you in the morning." she said kissing me on my cheek,  quickly walking towards the door. "Be good! " she shouted shortly before she left the kitchen and out the door. I waltzed over to lock the door once I heard her Toyota Camry pull off. "Hmm what to do now? " I said questioning myself. "should I be the good little girl mama wants or Fuck around and have fun? " I added still standing by the door. "Ah Fuck it." I simply said walking into the kitchen already knowing I was up to no good . My hands lathered around the knob of the wooden wine cupboard , opening it up to find one I fancied. Finding one of moms expensive French wines, I pulled the green bottle out along with a glass. Before I could pour the red liquid into the glass a knock erected from the front door. Knowing who it was I quickly poured the wine,  placing the bottle back in its spot. My fingers wrapped around glass, waltzing towards the door. Letting the arriving guest wait, I loosened my lace robe up,  allowing my Victoria Secret lace bra that pushed my boobs bigger to poke out. Re-focusing on the door I unlocked both locks, letting him come on in. He already knew the routine, as he headed for my bedroom on the second floor. A creeped smile appeared on my face as I locked my door and downed the red wine in hand. I placed the small glass into the sink. Making my way upstairs, I shut off all the lights on the way. When i reached my room I walked in slowly,  watching the brunette haired boy lay about on my bed. "Hey babe." he said looking over towards me. His eyes scanned my body. "Huh, only five minutes here and your eyes already seek a craving. " I said bitting my lip.  I shut my door, locking it and turning the light off. We let the light reflecting off the moon into the room to allow us to do what we do. As I edged closer to the bed I untied my robe,  letting it slid down my curvy body and onto the floor. I could feel the tension floating around the room, his eyes showing his craving for some fun. He watched as I got closer, turning to sit sideways on my bed. I watched as he slowly followed my moves,  now facing the window. A petite smile grew on my face as I slowly walked up to him. Playfully I pushed him back a little,  allowing me to straddle his lap. He backed up a little on the bed, placing one hand behind him to lean on the mattress for support and the other on my back. Slowly yet teasingly I leaned in for a hungry kiss. What started off as a tap on the lips turned into a heavy make out session. And that, was just the beginning of my night.

A/N-Just the first chapter. More to come,  hopefully if it turns out good. Feed me back on how it was and that's where I'll determine if I should continue or not. and please vote, I'll appreciate it very much. Hope you enjoy. -Riri

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