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I'm not gonna do a prologue, but if your interested in the 2 main characters, they're in the description! I gave as much detail as I could :))
"Aqua! Wake up!" A loud voice said, shaking her back into existence, she fluttered her eyes open to see a SeaWing standing over her. "GAH!" She yelled, falling off the kelp bed, she groaned sitting back up. "Viper?" Aqua smiled with an exhale. "The one and only~!" Viper said sitting up tall. Aqua stood up, shaking herself lightly. "Maybe wake me up lighter next time.." She insisted, walking over to her 'shower'. She stood underneath the mini waterfall in the corner of her room, cleaning her scales so they looked polished, Viper always had that face when she was in Aqua's room, the Princess of the SeaWings just happened to be her best friend. "Do you think I'll ever wake you up lightly?" Viper barked. "True.." Aqua replied, she watched Viper as she stepped out of the waterfall, shaking most the water off her scales. "Your making that face again.."
"WHAT?! No I'm not what are you talking about shut up Aqua you don't know my face.." Viper snapped, without taking a breathe in between words. She replied to her with a mhmm noise. "Let's go, my mother will want me.." The princess said, taking off into the water, and flying to the throne room.

*.+ xxx_kylie presents.. +.*

{A Wings of Fire special.. }

"You're Dead To Me."

When Aqua was in the Deep Palace, she was treated ridiculously stupid, everyone thought they had to impress her and not make any mistakes every second of their life, and she hated it, she wished dragons could just act like themselves. "Your highness.." Many SeaWings flashed in their underwater language; Aquatic. She nodded her head politely and swam faster to get away from the 'paparazzi'. "What do you need, mother?" She asked in aquatic when she arrived. "Ah! Good morning dear, I need you to enchant something for me!" Her mother said, Aqua hated when she asked her to enchant things. "What would that be." She asked, trying to sound as happy as possible. "I want.. a new hatching room!" She exclaimed, flashing her wings. Is she being serious?! Aqua thought, she clenched her fists, keeping a smile on her face. "Of course, mother." Aqua flicked her wings, following her mom in the deep palace.

Aqua panted, bubbles of water coming out of her mouth, her wings were dropped and her head wasn't as high, she was exhausted. The new hatchery had a fishing basin, and a new statue that wouldn't try to assassinate the eggs when they were born, many hatching spots next to each other made of a white granite and kelp, a mini coral reef on the wall going to the floor, a baby waterfall that would be used as a 'shower' and finally a great view of the ocean surroundings. "It's beautiful Aqua!" Her mother flashed, Aqua smiled but then it faded fast. You always say that.. She thought. "I'm, going for a fly..!" Aqua flashed quickly, before shooting out of the palace and into the air. She headed for a mountain not too far from the palace, she had a secret cave there she found and always went to when she needed a break from being a perfect Royal. She could see the cave clearly, Aqua smiled picking up some speed, then there was a roar, two heads colliding, metal hitting her scales, then black.

HI! I know this is short, but the future ones will be longer, I made it shorter so people could decide if they wanted to keep reading or do something else, and if they don't like it that's alright! :))

"Dead to me" // A WoF SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now