Chapter 11

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T-Let's go outside for a minute.
We head outside and sit on the porch swing.
T-Why did you come here?
AN-We need to talk about us?
T-What about us?
AN-Well, we were friends one day and now you won't even talk to me.
T-There's a pretty obvious reason for that. You tried to ruin my relationship, neglected to talk to me, and proceeded to beat up my boyfriend. I think it's pretty clear on why I shouldn't talk to you.
AN- Your boyfriend is a huge asshole, the things he says when he isn't around you is insane.
T-What exactly does he say when I'm not around?
AN-He comments on other girls, makes fun of his friends, and mouths off teachers. That day we got in a fight I was trying to talk to him about it. As you saw, things escalated from there.
T-How can I believe you? After everything you have done to me?
AN-You can ask any of his other friends. They know about his true personality.
T-Ok, are you done?
AN-If you're not willing to listen to me then I guess so.
Andrew gets up and leaves without a word. I watch him walk home and I feel bad. Andrew may have been telling the truth, and I totally blew him off.
I decide to go to bed once I get back into the house. Dylan and I have a lot to talk over tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep if I am going to do anything.
Time Tic Tac Toe———
I wake up the next morning more awake than ever. A pit forms in my stomach knowing what I will have to do today. I decide to go all out, maybe it will intimidate Dylan. I put on a olive green strapless top with a pair of light ripped jeans. I decide to curl my hair and put on full makeup. I throw on a pair of white vans and I head out to go to school. The car ride to school seems like it will never end. I decide to text Dylan a place to meet up before school starts.
T-Hey can we meet up in the courtyard before school starts?
D-Sure babe! See you there!
I feel bad that he doesn't know why we will be meeting up. We finally get to school and I head over to the courtyard. Dylan is already there and on his phone. When I get close enough to him he says:
D-Hey babe!
He wraps me in a hug. I weakly hug him back, I've missed him but I am still mad at him.
D-What is it?
I think he noticed that I was holding back.
T-People have told me some not so good things about you.
D-What people?
T-That's not important, I'm not very happy with what they told me.
D-What did they tell you?
T-They told me that you comment on other girls, make fun of others, and talk back to teachers.
D-I would never do that. Have you ever seen me do something remotely close to that?
T-That's the thing, this person said that you put up a front for me. The rest of the time you are a self centered jerk.
D-What they're saying isn't true, I would never do that to someone or betray your trust.
T-I just need some time to think about all of this.
D-What are you saying?
T-I think we may need to take a break for a little while.
D-Because of some rumor you heard about me? You're being absurd.
T-I am not being absurd. Multiple people know about this and I've been left in the dark. If you're not going to take me seriously then I'm going to leave for class.
T-See you at class Dylan.
I feel tears welling up in my eyes. I still like Dylan but right now I can't trust him. He never fully addressed the issue, and I'm not sure I can trust him. I can barely see as I walk as tears pour down my eyes. For a brief moment I hear my name being called out, presumably by Dylan. I start to walk faster and faster. Seeing his face right now would be too hard to bear. I don't pay attention to where I am going and walk face first into someone. Their books falling everywhere.
T-I am so sorry!
I crouch down and try to pick up what they dropped, while keeping my head down so they don't see my tears.
?-Oh, it's no problem, let me help.
He crouches down and sees that I am crying. His hazel orbs lock into my eyes. He grabs my hand and helps me stand back up.
?-What's a pretty girl like you crying for?

To be continued....

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