promises 4

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The banging had stopped ,it was serene now ,he opened with maid having food for her ,the maid left after arranging lunch.

She was sitting on corner of bed with her legs bend to chest her head was down .she didn't raise to see who it was or may be she knew that only he would come for her .


His voice was like spring in autumn it contains emotions of pain ,love more than that see her hurt and her eyes teary made him guilty.

"Come let's have something you haven't had anything in breakfast".

"U didn't let me have breakfast"

Her words were pointing his mistake ,even In this grave situation a smile spread on his handsome face .

"I m sorry for all that,come then I want you to meet someone "

Her brown orbs met his black ones.he was expecting a question but she didn't. She stood up to go in washroom ,when she returned, had changed clothes .it was like she was now in better condition .
They had lunch in peaceful environment,but he knows either it was silence before the storm or after the storm.

"Whom do you want me to meet ?"

"Come "
He took her hand ,she was going to pull her hand back but his grip was sturdy .she ignored it and start walking behind him .

He took her to the room left to her ,as he opened the door she was greeted by the angelic face his mother .she didn't took steps as she was afraid to be pushed back again but her aunty called her .

"Mehar ,my daughter "

She saw Ali as to ask if this is a dream how could his mother be so nice to mehar thought she doesn't know anything .

"Come here let me engulf you I have been in sorrow from the day u left, sorry my daughter I wasn't able to protect you"

Mehar made herself comfortable in the solace of her hug.
She wept in her lap the time has not much passed but it felt like ages she met her .

The days have become a bit tranquil after the arrival of his mother. First few days she used to question bari maa (aunty)why everyone left her ,why no one believed her ,was she so untrustworthy, why Ali and asad didn't come to find her?

In the answer of all these question bari maa only used to say onething

Time will reveal everything and when it will disclose ,she will have the ball in her court whether to accept everyone's
Apology or not.

She said promptly I will not forgive anyone not even Ali.

Bari maa smiled and kissed her adoringly and said

"Let the time decide "

It's been one month she has settled herself ,she is nowadays learning cooking from bari maa ,Ali has enrolled her in university for masters.

She  was still turning her back on Ali,he also used spent his all time in office whenever he used to be at home was always confined to study room .

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