Mesmerising Cake (Logan & Peter)

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for this chapter, there's gonna be like, instant digestion/instant weight gain? idk what it's called exactly... but I think it's something like that. this book will probably contain a lot of it, idk I just really like the idea


Peter POV

I sat on the stool, just kinda staring at the giant cake.

"C'mon, you're tiny. You're not even, slightly chubby." Logan was attempting to convince me to eat the cake. He couldn't seem to be able to even try to just, force me to eat it.

I sighed. "Fine. I'll eat one piece."

He looked all happy once I said that. Eating some cake was definitely worth how adorable he looked.

I took a piece and bit into it. It was one of the chocolate cakes, that was completely covered in thick, sugary frosting.

It tasted... amazing. I see why Logan absolutely loves this stuff. "Whoa..." I mumbled.

"It's amazing, right?" Logan smiled, noticing my face.

I nodded, quickly eating the rest of the cake piece.

"Well, you said you were only going to eat one piece, so..." Logan went to take the rest of the cake.

I glared at him and he stopped. "You really like that cake, huh?" He mumbled.

"Get your own cake." I grabbed another piece, eating it without the limiting fork this time. It was gone pretty quick.

As soon as the second piece was gone, I grabbed a third one. After the third one, a fourth piece.

Logan watched me devour the various pieces of delicious cake. I noticed him slowly lift up my shirt from behind, but I was distracted by my cake. Fifth piece was gone. I was already halfway through the cake.

Then, I stopped. Half of a cake was enough. Maybe too much.

I looked back at Logan. He was staring down at my exposed belly, that he had revealed eariler by lifting up my shirt.

"What are you staring at?" I asked, frowning slightly.

He jiggled my belly slightly. "This." He smiled.

I looked down and realized. There was fat... real fat. Enough to jiggle around and squish and everything. My ribs weren't even visible at all anymore.

I was chubby. Maybe a bit more than that. Definitely not even close to Logan's size, but I had pretty much doubled my own weight, with a few more pounds added after that.

I looked down at my legs and realized it wasn't just my stomach. Some of the fat had gone down to my thighs. I could feel the fat on my arms and the small amount that was on my face.

I poked my belly fat. It jiggled a tiny bit. To be honest... I kinda liked it.

Logan seemed to be... excited?

"Now we can be fat together!" He grinned.

"I don't know..." I sorta liked the extra fat but still...

"Please? You being skinny is sad. You being chubby is cute!" Logan put a hand on my belly and squished it.

"Okay, fine, I'll keep the weight. No way I'm getting anywhere near your weight though."

"Maybe one day?"

"Maybe. But, if we both end up too fat to move, how are we gonna get food?"

"That won't happen. I'm still walking."

"Okay..." I got off the stool, immediately falling, since I wasn't used to standing up with so much extra weight.

Luckily, Logan was right there, and I just fell into his giant belly. He grabbed my arms and helped me stand. He didn't let go, obviously scared of me falling again. Which I probably would.

I started to realize that, even by just standing, I was starting to get tired and sorta out of breath.

We started walking over to the nearby couch, and I immediately fell back onto it. Logan sat beside me, and I pressed up against him, laying my head on him, and slowly falling asleep.

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