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For years I visited that hospital,

And for years they have told me to never visit room 208.

What's in there that's so special?

"Hey Austin!" Dez greet's me. He's another volunteer at this big hospital. We met when I decided to volunteer 4 months ago.

"Dez," I greet back, "Did you sign us both in?"

"Uhhh.. Yup." He claps his hands together and did a weird pose, "I think."

I roll my eyes slightly chuckling.

He's a weird kid.

We walk down the familiar halls of the Miami hospital. The walls were a sick shade of green, boring if you ask me.

Patients here are already suffering from some kind of disease, why would you want them to see the colour of barf everyday?

We walk past the familiar rooms. 109, 110, 111.. We stop in front of each door checking to see if everything was in order.

"Okay, I think were done here." Dez said, "I'll see you later, I need to deliver flowers to some rooms on the second floor." 

I nod my head slightly before realizing room 208 was on the second floor.

This is my chance! 

The nurse's never let me go on the second floor. 

If you ask me, they purposely made sure I was stuck volunteering on the first floor of the hospital only. 

"Hey Dez," I call out. He turns around, slightly facing me with a confused look on his face, "Um.. Need some help?" 

"Sure!" he smile's brightly, "C'mon up," 

Atleast I can depend on the nurse's to not let the other volunteers know i'm not allowed on the second floor.. 


I've only been to the second floor once but I never rememberd it being so... what's the word? Depressing. 

The walls were a disgusting shade of brown, and the windows looked like the window's you'de find in a jail cell. Moldy, with bars. 

I don't dare touch the glass but I could tell it wasn't glass. 

Very little light came through for it to be glass. The little amount of light that managed to peak it's way through came out yellowish, making the halls of the second floor look scary and disgusting. like somethig you'de see in a horry film. 

"I just have to go grab the cart with the flowers, stay here." Dez instructs before walking away. 

I sigh, running a hand through my blond hair. 

"Okay Austin. This is your chance to enter room 208. You can do this." I say to myself. 

I walk a few steps to the left finding myself at room 202. 6 rooms to go. 

I look behind me to make sure Dez wasnt' back yet and continue'd walking. 

203...204.. 205.. 206...207.. ..209.. 210.. wait! 

I walk a few doors down. 

207.. 209... Where's 208 ?? 

"Austin! Austin!!" Dez yells running over to me while pushing a cart of flowers, "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to stay there." 

I turn my head nervously, "S.sorry.. Just uh.. got excited I guess.." 

"Oh." He said, "Well okay, c'mon. These flowers arn't gonna deliver themselves." 

I walk next to Dez as he push's the cart with flowers. 

Room 212.. Room 213.. I mentally count each room we pass. Where is room 208?? 

"Hey Dez, you've been here for about a year now.. right?" I ask trying to seam settle about where I was headed with the conversation. 

"Yeah, why?" He ask's knocking on another door. 

"Well I was just looking around when I noticed room 208 isn't in this hall.." 

"Oh that," he waves his hand like this was old news, "Room 208 was built in a different part of the hospital because apparently they have a very "special" patient their." He puts finger quotes around the word special, making me very curious. 

"Oh. which part of the building?" 

"I'm actually headed there now, I can show you if you want," 

I nod my head eagerly. I have been waiting to see what was in that room and today could be my day.

He lead me into one of the nurse office's opening one of the doors that I hadn't noticed before. 

I walk in right behind him and find myself in another totally different hall.

"What the.." I question more to myself than him. 

He stays silent and continue's walking. We make lefts and rights all over the place until finally we reach room 208. It was the only room on the entire hall. 

Wow this patient must be somethin' if they have a whole hall to themself. 

"I'm not supposed to go in." Dez suddenly said. 

"Then.. how do you give the flowers?" I question

"I just leave them infront of the door." 

I stare at him weirdly. What's the whole point in coming here if I don't even get to go in? 

"I don't care," I say staring at the door, "I'm going in." 

"Austn don't!" he yells but I don't listen. 

I place a hand on the door knob ready to push it open when a voice stops me. 

"Hey kid! what are you doing!? step away from there!" I turn my head only to be greated by 2 security guards coming my way. 

"It's now or never..." I mumble to myself and push myself into the room.


I look around at my surroundings. the room was completely white.

White walls, white door, white picture, white bed, white floor, white windows,.. white everything.

"No wonder Dez leaves the flowers outside the door.. they arn't white.." I mumble

I make my way to the white bed noticing a body lying their with white wire's and tube's connected to them. 

Taking a closer look I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Ally..." I whisper under my breathe. I brought a finger up to her cheek slowly, touching it for the first time in 6 years. I never thought i'd ever get to do that again...

I pulled my finger away reluctantly when her eyes opened with a jolt and she gasped loudly. 

What is going on...







Raura/Riaura/Roaura/ One shot short stories!Where stories live. Discover now