Hanzo is son of a king living in brunhan his father name is Jelish or king jelish.
Jelish is a greate hero his power is fire hanzo has a power to but just small power.
in earth..........
theres a name hinzo living in chicago u.s.a. he is a student 11 years old his mom is a greate dancer and his father is greate singer.but the planet brunhan is attack by aliens jelish said to hanzo get to the planet earth your safe in their "but father i neverliving you"
in a ship hanzo fly into the planet earth.hinzo is in the forest and he saw a ship in the sky ship crush in forest hinzo run in ship the door was open and he saw hanzo "who are you" and hazo said "pleas help me our planet is destroyed" .hinzo help hanzo.
in hinzo room her mom said who is that "i dont know mom he was fall in the sky"
5 days later..
hanzo is playing with hinzo now
but hanzo like a human hinzo talk to hanzo.hinzo search for brunhan and he found a planet brunhan is one of planet like a earth theres a tree plants apple fruits and more like in the planet of the earth hanzo tell to hinzo about her power but hinzo is best of sciens hinzo can help to train hanzo power how to work its been a week.....
what week later 5
hanzo know how her power work bitch he cant turn to house and car and alien wow cool turn to tiger turn to phone cool but he can not turn planet hanzo power now is grow o ye.......vote comment share
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ActionZayn, Nial, Liam, Louis and Harry are just on tour in Manhattan one Wendsday in Summer but after their tour strange things start happening to them. at the end of the night they are attack by a monster and they flee their tour bus. They eventually fi...