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Taking Toriel's hand I get up with her help, instinctively I just hug her. A dream of mine finally coming true as I felt Toriel jolt a bit before gently rubbing my head. "There, there my child you're safe now...." She said calmly as I looked up at her. Despite me being a adult I felt like a child again around her it was weird yet calming as I began to follow her deeper into the the ruins.

As she guided me eventually letting go of my hand to take the lead before me I paused when I noticed a yellow glow coming from a patch of red leaves. "The save point...." I mutter as I walked towards it my hound out stretched, a soft glow coming from the thing. Gently tapping it I see a screen appear before my eyes I looked as the files said the fake name I gave myself.

(The shadow of the ruins looms above, filling you with nothing.)

"I'm a hollow bitch, good to know" I mutter pulling away and making my way up the staircase to see Toriel looking at me confused. "Did something catch your eye my child?" She questioned as I pause, they cant see the save unlike me and Flowey can they? Shaking my head I smiled cheerfully at Toriel. "Thought I saw something shiny but I was wrong" I say as she nods guiding me to the next room where the first locked door and puzzle laid. I watched her as she began walking over a pattern before pulling a switch, the door opening slowly to reveal a path ahead.

"The ruins are full of ancient puzzles that you must solve if you wish to go from room to room. Please adjust your sight to them" Toriel explained as I follow her into the next room. It felt weird being here the faint light   illuminating the halls I imagined so much in my dreams. I was actually here physically in one of the games I hold so dearly to my heart. I watched as Toriel guided me to the first puzzle I had to solve on my own though she had highlighted the levers I needed to pull. Smiling I skip over the small bridge listening to the soft bubbling of the brook underneath me. Faintly I can hear the ruins melody play as I began pulling the first lever.

A soft click could be heard as I went to the next lever and did the same, a gentle rumble indicating the spikes at the end of the hall had retracted. I looked at Toriel and smiled brightly at her as she gently class. "Very good my child, now let's proceed" She says as she walked through the hall to where I could see a small cloth dummy. I looked up at Toriel as she spoke to me once more, "as a human living underground there may be some monsters that wish to attack you... however, in a fight you can strike up a friendly conversation to stall for time until I can resolve the conflict."

"Duely noted" I state my hands on my hips as I looked up at her kind smiling face. "Here, why not strike up a friendly conversation with this dummy?" She gestured towards the thing silently standing there as I began to walk forward and stood in front of it. My soul lurching out of me as the mock fight began. A display board appears before me the classic fight, act, item, or mercy laid before me. Gently I pressed the act button and began a conversation.

"It's a great day for a joke, wanna hear a joke? Yeah ok.... why shouldn't you write with a broken pencil? Because there's no point" I grin as the dummy just stood there, I could have sworn I saw a ghost leave its body as they seemed sick of my crappy joke. The battle ended as I won nothing, that was until I heard Toriel bursting with laughter besides me. "Oh my goodness that was a good one my child, I didn't know you were so adept with humor!" She said through laughter.

I grin like a mad man feeling accomplished my shitty pun and joke making would come to use one day. 'Fuck you old friends who said I was cringe fuck you' I thought as I look at Toriel, her laughter dying down as she regains herself. "The next room awaits my child." She looked at me before heading to the next room behind her, I folliwing quickly behind. "This room has another puzzle, I wonder if you can solve it?" She glanced at me as she spoke as I rose a brow, would she even allow me to find my path through spike walkway?

I wondered as I suddenly felt my soul yank out of me once more. I look down to see the first of what is bound to be many encounters with a froggit. My eye lighting up as they were even cuter in person then in their 2D form. Quickly I pressed act as I coo over the figure, "you're the cutest thing ever!!!" I squeal as the little guy blushed from embarrassment, though they never know what I'm saying anyways.

Toriel quickly came over glaring at the Froggit causing it to look down and quickly hop away from the scene, I frown a little but follow Toriel once more til we reached the small spike bridge over what I assume is a retention pond or something. I whistle impressed at all the sharp silvery points as I felt Toriel take my hand. "Need not worry my child just stay close and keep holding to my hand..." She spoke to me smiling cheerfully as I pause for a moment before nodding. There goes my Hope's in actually being able to go across myself...

We walked in silence, Toriel kept me close eyeing me ever so often to check and see if I was ok, I get a but of helicopter parenting vibe from her but not by much as we get past the puzzle. "Puzzles seem a little to dangerous for right now..." she slightly mumbled as we head to the next room, Toriel finally letting go if my Hand as she turned to face me. I knew what usually happens but she wasn't saying the usual things I remember her saying, then again these are real long people now so anything goes I suppose.

"What next?" I question as she seemed to hesitate but smile. "You have done stunningly so far, but I must request you do this task for me....." she inhales deeply before exhaling,. "You must go to the end of this room by yourself " she said before running off to the end of the hall hidden behind the only pillar in this room. Sighing I shook my head and began making my way towards the pillar.

Nothing happened but as soon as I stood by the pillar and peeked behind it. "Boo!" I state as Toriel jumped before laughing softly and patting my head lovingly. " My child you did wonderful, I never met such an independent soul like  your own before...." She states as I look up at her, she coming out of her hiding spot stood before me smiling. Smiling back I watch her bend down to eye level. "I need to leave and prepare for a bit, can you wait here on your own while I'm gone?" She questioned as I nod gently.

She smiled more and pulled out a old looking flip phone. "Here take this if you need to contact me... please be good I'll be back before you know it" Toriel spoke handing me the flip phone before standing back up again, rubbing my head one more time before taking her leave. I watched her go before sitting my ass down on the coarse ground. The waiting game has now begun.....

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