
311 10 18


4 years ago


"Let's break up."

"You want to break up with me becuz this fucking girl?!"

"Enough! I want to break up with you! Because I don't like you and you annoying!" He said to me makes my heart like been stabbed a hundred times.

"Yah, Jung Subin! You wanna left me after all we had for 4 years in relationship? You just want to erase me just because her?!" I glazed off.

"Yes! I'm bored with you already! Also she's more pretty than you!" He said and pushed me away.

"You kidding me,right?" I still hold my tears.

"Yah,Subin! Stop joking around!" I shake his body. He looks at me, annoyed. He pushed me until I fell on the ground hardly.

"I'm not kidding! I hate you! I already had a new lovers now!" He said,leaving me dumfounded on the ground like an idiot. I burst into tears. My heart crushed into pieces.


Life is unfair. Life never be fairness. I kept punched the punch bag until I feel tired and sat down. Life always gave you pain. The pain that had be scars on your heart.
But the pain made me strong.

The darkest history been erased on my life and teach me not to fell in love again. Not to repeat my own mistakes again.


I look at him, heartlessly. He playing with his gf happily just like he treated me in the past. I smirk.

"You regret what you do to me, Subin..." I said and walked away. I don't need his love. All I need is me and my besties that always supporting me from the back.

I sat at my desk,put my earplugs in.

"Yah, Hyaesoo. " Jane came to my desk and greet me with her cuteness.

"What? " I asked while cupped my face and focus on her.

"Wyd?" She asked and made her cute face. I always adore her cuteness but I kept denied when she asked me.

"Nothing much. Wae?" I asked and curved a smile to her.

"Nothing. I just want to disturb you." She said and giggles when I made my 'loading' face.

"Ah~ "

"Why did we in different classes?!" She asked outloud. Bored with this life.

"This is life,gurl." I said and put my stuff on my desk. Ready for lesson today.

"The bell gonna rang soon. Better you get on your class now. We can continue in recess time." I said. She waves me good bye and flying kiss. I made a disgusted face that makes her giggles. She walks to her class and slowly her figure disappeared from my eyes.


The bell ranged. Teacher Im came in and we all greet her.

"Class, we had a new students. Three of them lives near here and one of them from China." Teacher said. I just ignored and throw my vision outside the school building.

"Did they pretty?" One of boy asked the teacher. Miss Im just giggles and nodded.

"Yes. You four may came in." The teacher applause them in. I heard a loud voice and max the volume. Someone shake my seat. Tried to attract my attention. I unplugged my earplugs.

" Ehem. Miss Kim. Please pay attention to our new boys here." I made my loading face towards teacher and put my phone away.

"Anyeonghasaeyo. I'm Lee Donghyuk but people called me Haechan that's meant Fullsun." The boy introduced himself with aegyo. I made a disgusted face.

" Anyeonghasaeyo. I'm Lee Jeno." This boy pretty shy but cool.

"Anyeonghasaeyo! I'm Na Jaemin. Called me Jaemin." This one pretty childish and funny. I giggles a lil bit and back to my serious face. Now the short one turned.

"Helo, My name is Huang Renjun and I'm from China. You guys can call me Renjun or Oppa?" He said and winked. Tried to attack girls with his charming. I hates charming boys. After what happened 4 years ago, who didn't?! I rolled my eyes with annoyance.

"Please, find your own seat." Teacher said. The three rushed into 3 empty seat at my row. Left him alone. He then looks at me,smiling. He then sat besides me.
The teacher starts to teaching. He kept glances at me.

"Hey, I'm Renjun. What's yours?" He asked me and pull his hand out on his pocket, tryna handshake with me. I just ignored him.He then pulled his hand and ruffles his hair.

"Helo?" He whispered on my ears. Made me annoyed.


" I think you sleep with your eyes open." He said and giggles.

"Shut up." I said and ignored him.

"My name is Renjun. What's yours?" He repeat his words again.

"I don't wanna tell you." I said tidying my table, tried to ignore him.

"Then I call you piggy." He said and laugh. I just ignored.

"Piggy, piggy,piggy,piggy." He kept annoyed me.

"What's wrong with you?! Tryna messed up with me, new boy?!"

"Whatever,piggy!" He keep saying it. Made me groaned in annoyance. He then tried to play his phone but I snatch it from him.

"Teacher,this new boy playing handphone at the class. " I said to miss Im and lent it to her. I grinned at him while he stare at me sharply.

"That's because messed up with me." I said and turned. Ignored him.



I'm sorry Subin becuz make your character as a bad guy😫🙏🙏🙏🙏
I still love you💓💓
Also I'm apologies the reader who bias Subin(VICTON)

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