The Crazy Life Of Natasha Evans

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Ever since I can remember my best friend Alice has always been there for me I would say she is more like a sister. It has always been Alice and Natasha. We have been neighbours my whole life. When we went to kindergarten together that's when we really became best friends because on our first day I peed my pants and everyone laughed at me but she peed her pants and held my hand and that's the moment I knew we would become in separable. Her family was my family. Alice had an uncle who was a couple of years older than us in middle school there was a boy picking on me and trying to pull up my skirt Thomas seen him and pushed him of and punched him in the face. He was always looking out for me and Alice the whole way through life. But that was just the sort of person Thomas was. When me and Alice started high school together we made new friends but we always remained best friends no matter what. She is very much like a girl next door. Beautifully tall, blond hair and blue eyes. She always had an athletic toned body which I was always jealous of when we were younger because she was so skinny and athletic but as we got older I realised I got more attention from the boys with my curvey body I was still athletic I was captain of the volleyball team and a cheerleader. My piercing blue eyes, tanned skin and dark hair was also helpful with the boys. It was when I went to high school I met the boy who would be my boyfriend of 3 years and I thought the rest of my life but we will get back to that so let's start with my senior year of high school. Me and Alice were so excited to finally be seniors its the most important year of your life. Last year I struggled with my grades but I'm planning on doing better.

It's the week before school started Alice's family was having a garden party they done them all the time. Her parents weren't really strict with her they were very led back but her whole family are very close. "Hey Tasha want a shot" Alice's mom said as she danced over to me with a big tray of shots when she seen me come into the garden. Just before she gets to me her brother Tommy stands in front of me "Jul's she is only 17 she can't be getting dru..." I push him out of the way and say to him as I grab two "I'm 18 and I seen you drunk plenty of times when you were my age so move out of the way and thanks Julia the garden looks lovely" she smiles "wait to you see the photos we have of Thomas they are hung up around the fence" she says with a laugh "ahhh let me see" I say as I run over to the fence and Thomas follows. I'm in most of the pictures when he is young and all my childhood memories are coming back when I come across one and I laugh. "I hated it when you and Alice would make me dress up as the Prince and made me marry you." I laugh "You were my first kiss remember and I said to you that I'm going to marry you for real some day" he laughs remembering it "you made me promise to give you a chance when we got older" I remember that day I said it to him all the time. I tease him "that's before you went and got ugly" he picks me up and pretend fights with me "heyy you were the one who always said you were going to marry me just stating facts" he still has me picked up over his shoulder now just as my boyfriend Jace comes walking over. He just arrived. "What's going on here" he asks as Tommy drops me "we are just laughing at how ugly Tommy's got since he was younger" Jace notices all the pictures there is one of Tommy as a toddler he's got no clothes on Jace laughs "Jesus Tommy you were hung" and then they both laugh and I just blush. "Is your family coming over" Tommy asks me "Yeah grams and mom are still getting ready you know they love to keep the boys waiting" he laughs and walks off as more guests are arriving "I sure do".

"Where's Alice at" Jace asks me and I'm looking around and I can't see her then I realise I know exactly where she is. I take his hand "come on I think I know where she is" I drag him behind me into her house and open a door that takes me down to the cellar. When we are half way down Alice shouts out "who is it" I try and sound like her mother "Alice get up here the guests are arrivi..." I can't even finish the sentence and start to laugh then she runs out "you bitch I was freaking out there thought I was caught" I knew she would be down here getting a few drinks in so her dad doesn't see he doesn't mind her drinking but he hates when she drinks too much which is all the time so she does most of her drinking down in the cellar. "Watcha doing" I ask her smirking "sneaking in a few drinks before I go up and mingle mom and my aunts have invited boys they think I'll like because I'm pathetic in there eyes little do they know I've been with plenty of boy's" she sticks her tongue out to the side winking and says "aahhh". "You drink all the time and your family knows why you hiding down here doing it" Jace asks her looking confused then I explain "she drinks most drinks down here so that when she drinks less drinks I front of her dad he won't realise she's not an actual light weight and thinks she only started drinking and not when she was 15" I say to Jace this is the first time I've invited him to one of their family parties but he already knows them all. "And that my friend is how you stay daddy's little girl and get everything you want" she says with such innocence. Me and Jace have a few drinks before heading up because my family are coming over too they are probably here already.
When we go outside my family have just came in and Julia is with them but looking around and she spots me "Tasha come here I want to take a photo of you with your parents and grandparents" I run over and hug my grams and grandpa. We are so close they have lived with us since I was 5 because grandpa wasn't great on his feet. We all squeeze in together "cheeeeeese" Julia says as she takes the picture and she sends it to me "awwww I love it Julia its amazing" I show mom and grams and grams takes my phone smiling "we need to get it framed" I agree it is such a cute picture of us all.

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