//The lyrics are in bold btw.
Idk what this is,it was just for fun lol.
This involves blood and abuse,if you are sensitive to these topics,then don't read it.

The child sat there,looking at the bruises on his arms and legs.He was shaking,his face being tear stained.He also had a headache from all the shouting and screaming.It was intense,no words could describe how painful it was.He tried to move his bleeding back around,but only to squeak instead.He couldn't leave like this anymore,he need to escape but he knew he couldn't do it by himself.He need his friends to do it with him as well.He continued to sit in the corner,listening to his adoptived brothers cries.

Where are the people that accused me?
The ones who beat me down and bruised me
They hide just out of sight
Can't face me in the light
They'll return but I'll be stronger

Thrustson held him against a wall,grabbing onto the boys collar.
Arnold already felt tears prickling in his eyes,begging the Finnish man to stop.Thruston growled,his hand smacking the poor boys cheek.The 2p micronation squeaked,feeling the handprint on his cheek.

God, I want to dream again
Take me where I've never been
I want to go there
This time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me
Nothing can stop me

Arnold couldn't sleep,laying on his bed as he looked at the ceiling.He blinked,thinking of what happened yesterday.He was deep into his thoughts,frowned a bit.

Sometimes it's hard to just keep going
But faith is moving without knowing
Can I trust what I can't see?
To reach my destiny
I want to take control but I know better

He sat on the bed,looking at the bruises and scars on his arms.He had bandages next to him,wrapping it around his scars.If Thrustson saw him trying to heal himself,he would get in big trouble.It hurt a bit,but at least his arm didn't fully expose the evidence of abuse on his body.One day,he would clean the wounds on his dear friends.Arnold wanted to protect them so badly,be a hero to them.

God, I want to dream again
Take me where I've never been
I want to go there
This time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me
Nothing can stop me

Its happening again,he leaned on wall,panic overflowing his body."No..no..no"He whispered,seeing the Finnish man walked closer to him,an intimating look was on his face.Arnold whimpered in fear.

Forget the fear it's just a crutch
That tries to hold you back
And turn your dreams to dust
All you need to do is just trust

He layed beneath him,feeling his cheek getting slapped as he squeaked.He then tried to get up,but that only made things worse.He was pushed to the ground,earning a hard slap across his face.

God, I want to dream again
Take me where I've never been
I want to go there
This time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me
Nothing can stop me

Bruises and scars started to cover up his small body.He screamed and cried loudly,feeling ever punch Thrustson gave him.He couldn't fight back,he was weak and beaten.The Finnish man couldn't stop,his punches,kicks and slaps became more intense the more it lasted.Arnold felt like this was going on for hours and hours,not seeming to stop anytime soon.

God, I want to dream again
Take me where I've never been
I want to go there
This time I'm not scared
Now I am unbreakable, it's unmistakable
No one can touch me
Nothing can stop me

The child layed there,crying intensely.His arms,legs and back were filled with horrible scars and bruises.He coughed up some blood,his neck covered with red strangulation marks.He whimpered,not having any energy to move.He looked at the ceiling,his eyes being red from crying too much.His whole body was in pain,sobbing.

//Well then,that's it ^^
You can rp with this as well,I don't mind.
If you want more of these,just request them and I'll do it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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