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At the age of 6, I wanted to be a.... Didn't even realise it was list of things I was fascinated with.

But I heard the whispers, those aren't dreams, dreams change with time.

It's true it did change with time, but never knew that girls aren't supposed to dream so big. I am speaking about those who never got to live their dreams.

Agreed there are so field's girls/women are successful. But it ain't the same with everyone. I came to school, at the age of 10 I was sure what I wanted to be, a player, precisely a volleyball player. I practiced hard, worked hard. But then again I heard these whispers, that were more prominent than before about what girl should do and don't. They said play as much as you want, it's just school routine, and it keeps you fit and stress free from educational pressure. But that isn't what I wanted. I let it go for a while. I thought I won't be able to play ever again after school. Luckily for me, we managed to form a team in college. 4 years of life spent in court made me think may be...maybe there is chance after all.

I heard them again, the whispers, this time stronger than ever. 'At this age girls should get married', 'this is the right age', 'even if your parents support its very difficult to be a player in the where everything is now only politics', 'will your in-laws allow you to play', whispers that didn't stop, whispers that made me weak yet had to be strong, whispers that never let me sleep, whispers those seek answers.

Marriage is beautiful bond, won't disagree with that. During the wedding, we vow that sharing the pain, joy, happiness everything will be equal. Equal amount of sacrifices will be there.

I never heard of husband's leaving the job to take care of wife and children. I never heard of husbands being told of by his in laws that you aren't supposed to wear shorts in front of elders...

These whispers didn't left me, it's a part of me that made me realise again and again that you had a dream. A dream which will remain unfulfilled.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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