Jahvie oneshots

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"Come on guys! Just make a video! Do you know how much the fans will love you? Like even more!" Ally said.

"No! I dont wanna do that to my Dahvie." Jayy said as he wrapped his arms around Dahvie. The video they just happen to be talking about is a sex tape.

"Yeah, and we dont need everyone knowing about our sexy times." Dahvie laughed.

"Fine, whatever you say." Ally said jokingly stomping away.

Later, they were all sitting in the living room watching the Nightmare Before Christmas.

"Pssst, Ally!" Jayy whispered loud enough for her to hear, but not Dahvie. Ally just mouthed back a 'what?' Jayy pointed to the bedroom that he and Dahvie shared. Ally understood and got up to go back there.

"Where you going Allysauras?" Dahvie asked.

"Girl problems Dahv. They're a bitch." She laughed, "Jayy, do you still have the tampons in your guys' room?"

"Yeah, I'll go get 'em."

"Come back soon, or I'll get cold." Dahvie pouted.

"Of course Dahvie-Bear." Jayy leaned down and kissed Dahvie's still pouting lips. Jayy shut the door as he walked in and saw Ally already laying on the bed petting Dahvie's fluffly pillow.

"Whaddya need?" Ally asked, hearing the door open and shut.

"Uh, so you know that tape you keep begging us about?"


"So, uh...can you like secretly record it, and then uh g-give it to me?" He stuttered.

"Getting naughty now are we Jayy?" Ally smirked.

"You know how I do." Jayy winked, recovering from his stuttering.

"I will, dont worry. Now lets get back to Dahvie." As thet got back, they saw Dahvie yelling at the screen.


"Uh, Dahvie?" Jayy and Ally laughed.

"Sorry, its just that Santa doesnt deserve that." He blushed.

"Awhh, you look like a cute little bunny when you blush." Jayy cooed.

"Ah, shut up." Dahvie said cuddling back into Jayy's arms. "So Ally, did you find the tampons?"

"Turns out it was a false alarm. My underwear is blood-free." She said way too casually. Soon Jayy fell asleep with his arms still wrapped around Dahvie, Ally was sipping on a cola, and Dahvie was singing along to the songs.

"I am Jack, The Pumpkin King!" He belted out.

"Oh, you never fail to amuse me." Ally giggled at Dahvie.

"Uh, Ally can I talk to you about something?"

"Of course you can!"

'So uh, you know that video? I know Jayy doesnt want to do it, but I do..." He mumbled, Ally just spit out her drink.

'Seriously? Like legit?"

"Yeah, but you have to keep it hidden."

"Well duh! Look at you Dahvie getting all naughty."

"Oh shut your face hole, and we better get to sleep its like 4:30am." He yawned as the credits started rolling.

"Holy shit, you're right!" Ally said checking her phone.

"Yeah, get your ass to bed. I'll carry Jayy up." He said while picking up Jayy.

"Night Dahviestegasus." Ally said pecking him on the cheek.

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