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LILY AWOKE TO HER YOUNGER SISTER HITTING her with a pillow. She lifted her hands out and groaned. "It's Christmas Lilly! Wake , everyone but you and Jo and are awake!" She said putting down the pillow. Lily nodded and waved her off. Amy ran out of their room and to the attic where Jo slept.

Lily shared a room with Meg the eldest as Jo took the attic and Beth and Amy wanted to share a room. So she shared a room with Meg. It wasn't bad except when Meg would stay awake talking about if she was rich.

Lily sat up and walked over to where she placed her dress the day before. It was a vibrant red color and her aunt march had gotten her for her 17th birthday. Aunt March wasn't a big fan of Lily cause she liked to be out in the dirt but she did believe she and Amy were the only ones to marry rich and carry their family, so that made Aunt March always wanting to take trips or buy her expensive gifts.

She brushed her hair and walked down stairs to her siblings and smiled. "Merry Christmas my lovely sisters." She said teaching the final step. All the sisters got up and hugged her wishing her a Merry Christmas before they all sat back down. Lily sat in a chair next to Meg who was sewing something.

Jo came down the stairs with Amy behind her, "Merry Christmas!" She said making everyone face her. "We've been up for hours!" Meg said laughing. "What have you been writing?" Beth asked.

Jo smiled, "I got carried away with our delicious revenge play! Poison!" She yelled the last bit. Amy shook her head, "No poison, it's Christmas." "It's not Christmas without presents." Jo said sitting in next to Beth. Everyone nodded. "It's so dreadful being poor." Meg said making everyone nod once more.

"I don't think it's fair that some girls get nice things while other girls get nothing at all!" Amy spoke. "I think it's nice to at least have father and mother and each other." Lily spoke up for the first time. "We haven't got father, and we won't have him for as long as this war drags on!" Jo grumbled crossing her arms over her chest.

Meg sighed, "I wish I had plenty of money and servants so I wouldn't have to do anything anymore." She said making everyone nod. Being poor was a lot of work. "You could be a proper actress!" Jo suggested. "I couldn't be an actress." Meg denied.

Jo rolled her eyes before facing Lily, "And you Lily, you could be a botanist!" She smiled. Lily just smiled and shook her head, "Girls aren't aloud into the school of science." Said Lillianmaking the girls frown at the poor girl.

"I have loads of wishes! But my favorite one is to be an artist and go to france and paint pictures and be the best in the world!" Amy said smiling at the thought. Lily nodded at the girl. She was very talented with her painting.

"Isn't that what you want Jo? To become a famous writer?" Beth said laying her head on Jo's shoulder. "Yeah, but it sound sounds so crass when she says it!" She said pointing at Amy making Lily laugh. "Why be ashamed of it!" Beth asked. "I'm not!" Jo defended,

"My wish is all of us to be together with mother and father in this house. That's what I want." Beth said taking her head off of Jo's shoulder. They all nodded. It would be a great wish to come true.

"What about your music Queen Bess?" Jo said using the nickname she had for Beth. Beth shook her head, "I only do that for us. Nobody else needs to hear it." She said.

"You must not limit yourself!" Amy said trying to shape her nose in their mirror which made Lily laugh at the younger girl. "Mother proposed not having presents this year because men are suffering in the army. We can't do much, but we should make little sacrifices and do it gladly." Meg said standing up and placing down her the thing she was sewing and the needle.

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