Day 1: Cinderella and her knight in shining armor

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 I had last been in Marseille 80 years ago this time tomorrow 1st of June in 1940 I had been with my fellow soldiers protecting the city walls when bombs started to crack and people were scared to death. I lost 2 of my best friends that day and I have still nightmares of that day. Maybe that was the reason that I needed company at night. Not to remember the horrors of World War II. 

Sometimes it annoyed me how people can nag about the smallest things nowadays for example why can't I have lactose free latte. Woman you were happy if you had a cow that would give you the normal milk in those days. Back to Marseille. After that day 80 years ago I decided that it was time to move because how long can I fool my mates that I just have good genes and that's why I look like 28 even though I had to be 45 already. I couldn't go back until the people who knew me would past away. I know it's sick but that was my life. I had to be careful not to end up in some science lab where they would torture me like those lab rats. 

Still I would like to go back and now the time should be favourable also. In fact I have a real estate contract to sign there next week. Maybe Annabel would like to come also. She is an extraordinary woman and I would really like to get to now her even if it couldn't last for more than a couple of years..

In the mean time Annabel had a job today. Even if she could travel the world with just the snip of her finger she needed money to get by so she had combined her favourite things in the world food and traveling so she became a food critic. Today she had to critic a fancy restaurant in the city centre and her assignment was to pick a meat meal and write a review about it to her boss.

She arrived at the restaurant and parked her small red Mini Cooper in the parking lot and headed inside. The restaurant surely was quite posh but Annabel even liked it. What girl wouldn't like a little bit of glamour from time to time? The restaurant had massive chandeliers in the ceiling and pictures of Marilyn Monroe on the walls. The place definitely made you feel special. The waiters were wearing vests and looked really chick. One of them approached Annabel and gave her the menu.

"Here, my lady. I would recommend our salad Niçoise with a twist."

"Thanks I would look at it a bit and then decide but thank you for the recommendation."

I was browsing through the menu and I stopped at andouillette. That sounds interesting and it should be meat I think I will order it! The meal came quite quickly even though when I ordered it the waiter seemed a bit surprised of my choice.

When the meal arrived it's odour filled the restaurant and I must say it was just disgusting. Was the meat old or why did it smelled so bad? Still I thought that Camembert had also quite a nasty smell, but the taste was delicious so I still decided to try it but it was no good. The taste was even worse. I am a lady but still I must say this tasted like shit.

"Waiter! Can you please come here, " said Annabel demandingly.

"Yes, my lady. What seems to be the problem?"

"The problem is that this meat is rotten. It tastes awful!"

"Oh, oh, oh. Have you never tried andouillette then? It's a real pity. I would have warned you if I had known it. Andouillette is usually something that only really strong Frenchmen order. It is made of pork intestines. So not for everyone."

"Oh god. It really does sound disgusting. I'm afraid I can not finish it, but I would still take a salad Niçoise I remember that there are no intestines there, " said Annabel jokingly.

All of a sudden Annabel's phone started to ring with Katy Perry's "Fireworks".

"Hello, it's Annabel speaking, " answered Annabel.

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