Beach Day

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It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was shining and it was super hot. You didn't want to spend to whole day inside but you weren't sure what to do.

You were sitting on your bed next to Mondo. He was reading a comic book while you were staring out the window. It was too nice of a day to just sit here and do nothing.

"Mondo, what do you want to do today," you asked your boyfriend.

He placed his comic book down and shrugged. "I'm not sure. We should probably do something though."

You looked around your room hoping something would give you an idea on what to do. You were about to give up when you saw your bathing suit on your dresser.

"Why don't we go to the beach," you said.

He smiled. "Sure. But I gotta go home and get my bathing suit first."

"Ok, you go get your stuff and meet me back here. Than we can go."

"Sounds good babe." He gave you a kiss on the top of your head as he left the room.

This was going to be fun. You loved the beach and were really excited to go. The fact that Mondo was coming with you made everything ten times better.

You got undressed and put on y/f/c bikini. It was a little revealing but Mondo will probably like it.

You put a short sleeve top and a pair of jean shorts over your bathing suit as a cover up.

Before you knew it Mondo was back at your house. He was in a pair of black swim trunks. At the moment he had his white tank top covering his chest.

"Your ready Y/N?"

You grabbed your backpack which was packed with things to use at the beach. "Yep, lets go!"

Mondo grabbed your hand as he lead you to his motorcycle. You took a seat behind him and wrapped your arms around him. You could see a faint blush on Mondo's face as you held on to him.

The beach wasn't that far away so you two arrived pretty quickly. The waves were high and there was a slight breeze. To your surprise, not many people were at there.

You and Mondo found a place on the beach away from everyone. You placed your backpack down on the ground and took off your flip flops.

Mondo pulled off his tank top, revealing his six pack. You took off your shorts and top and put them in your backpack.

You were zippering up your backpack when you heard him call your name.

"Hey Y/N, what's this blue thing," he asked pointing to something on the ground.

You walked up to him to see what he was talking about. "Oh, that's a piece of sea glass."

He gave you a confused look. "What do you mean sea glass? Why isn't it just normal glass."

You bent down and picked it up "Sea glass has been in the ocean, it's not sharp anymore and can be used to make jewelry."

You placed it in his hand letting him examine it. He messed around with the small piece for a second. "This is cool."

You laughed, you didn't know Mondo would like sea glass. "You wanna find more?"

"Yeah. Look here's one," he yelled while running to get it.

Before you could even say anything, he was running around the beach finding sea glass. Each piece he found he would hold up and show you with a huge smile on his face.

Mondo Oowada x Reader Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now