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Futakuchi Kenji was intimidating, and some would even say mean. The point though, at first glance "simp" would not be the word most would use to describe him. However, as soon as they saw you by his side, "simp" was the only word they could think of. His feelings towards you were painfully obvious, and his whole attitude changed around you. He went from a guy ready to scold anyone for the slightest mistake to a big teddy bear, not to mention the things he would do for you. Forgot your homework? It's okay you can have his. No lunch? Futakuchi will gladly share with you.

His behavior shocked everyone around him, except for his teammates, especially those who have known him for longer than high school.

You and Futakuchi were always together, so the team had become accustomed to his constant simple actions, and didn't let him get away with it. They constantly tease and bug him about how he would literally do anything for you, and for once, he can't argue because he knows that they're right.

You and Futakuchi had always been extremely close, so he wasn't sure when he developed romantic feelings for you, but he thinks it was when you asked him to teach you how to play volleyball.

When you were about 8 or 9, you saw Futakuchi playing with a volleyball against his house, and were immediately interested. Since the two of you were neighbors, you wasted no time going to ask him what he was doing, and if he could show you how to do it too.

If you two were close before, you were inseparable after that. You were always seen together, where one was, the other wasn't far. Even after school, you were always over at one another's houses, riding bikes around the neighborhood, or playing outside together. When Futakuchi started to become more cold, everyone thought that the iconic duo would split because of clashing personalities.

You are basically the golden girl of the school. Extremely smart, a helpful and kind classmate, and a skilled volleyball player. The fact that you were drop-dead gorgeous and the captain of the girls volleyball club didn't escape the guys at your school either. You had just about every guy drooling over you, so people thought for sure you'd ditch Futakuchi in high school.

Oh boy, were they wrong. Outside of the boys volleyball club, Futakuchi was like the only guy you talked to. It wasn't intentional, you just enjoyed your time most when you were with him, so you stayed with him. Futakuchi was very grateful for this, and knowing that he didn't have the best personality, he really appreciated you not leaving his side.

One particular day, Futakuchi was getting a rather hard time from his teammates about his "simp-ness", because you forgot your jacket and he gave you his, leaving his freezing all day.

"She was cold!" Futakuchi tried to defend himself, not really getting anywhere.

"Okay and? So were you!" Fukiage retorted.

"I can handle it better than she can. I really don't know why you guys are giving me such a hard time, it wasn't that big of a deal." Futakuchi tried to reason with his team, through gritted teeth.

"Whatever you say Captain!" One of his teammates sarcastically replied, who exactly he couldn't make out, he was too focused on getting ready and meeting you at the gates.

"Jesus Futakuchi, one day you're gonna simp so hard you get yourself hurt." The brunette heard before rushing out of the club room to walk you home at the front of the school.


When he reached the normal spot where you wait for him after you are done with practice, he saw some guy hovering over you, a 2nd year he recognized from the basketball team.

"Come on babygirl! I can give you a much better time than whatever that volleyball nerd does with you, all I want is your number!" The boy argued with you.

simp {k. futakuchi} Where stories live. Discover now