She was screaming her lungs out for the world to hear. Fear reached deep into her heart, pounding against her chest. Her screams were eaten up by the burning green fire around her. The fire warmed her cold numb body. She was in deep pain. Especially her eye hurt. She couldn't remember what happened. She had woken up to the fire burning the house. She called on her parents once more, waiting for an answer. She was maybe five years old. She started coughing, the smoke burning her lungs, taking away her oxygen. Tears threatened to fall again. She got up from the dark wooden floor. Her body was small and fragile. Her blond hair burned shorter and dark from ashes. Her white pale skin covered in ashes and blood. Blood dripping from her right eye. The pain stung. Her dirty pink nightgown was ripped and burned around the rim. A man had come into the house earlier that night, through the broken window. Glass had cut her skin when it happened. She remembers his cold bottle green eyes. The dark long hair, filthy and loose. His dark clothes and heavy boots. In his hand he held a shining silver knife. He had given her a smile, before he put the knife closer to her." Good night, little girl." She had embraced pain and the darkness. That's the last thing she remembered. She tried opening her wounded eye, but with no luck. It pained too much. Tears stained her cheeks as she looked around panicking. She couldn't find her parents. Trembling and crying, she turned down the empty hall lighted by the fire. Step after step she got further down the hall, past her burning bedroom. She stopped staring at her own parents' room." Mom? Dad?" No response came from them. The heat got closer to her, piercing her skin. She was sweating and her skin was sticky and crumbling up. The smoke pierced her lungs, dragging her closer to the last few breathes. Helplessly she opened the door and watched the blood drip from their bed. Tears fell like a waterfall, staining her red and puffy cheeks. She fell upon her weak knees. They were gone. She was screaming and crying in agony and sorrow. She dragged herself across the floor to the nearest wall. She leaned up against it. She wanted to give up. Let the fire consume her dying body. Pain shot through her head like a shock. She held her head between her legs, burying it. She had felt a hand on her arm. A little bit of hope filled her empty aching heart. The short black hair. A smile bright of comfort and hope. So bright." Lizzy!" The voice is faint." Lizzy." Another faint voice dragging her away." Lucia!" Everything went white.
She opens her eye. It's wet from tears. Her whole body is sticky from sweat. Her heart slams against her chest painfully. She gasps for air. Her white shirt is sticking to her body. Tight, revealing every feature of her body. She looks at the three recognizable faces. Her brothers. Or rather, stepbrothers. They all have a worried look in their eyes. She looks to her right. On the edge of the bed was the oldest brother Sabo sitting. He has blond hair reaching his chin and fairy white skin. Around his left brown eye, he has a scar luckily not affecting his eye. It goes from his forehead to the middle of his cheek. He is wearing a tight black t-shirt revealing his six-pack underneath. On his left arm there's a scar going from the shoulder ending at his elbow. He is 17 years old. He gives Lucia a smile of relief. Lucia turns her head to the left and is met by two big charcoal colored eyes. The youngest brother Luffy gives her a big bright smile. His face was very round with apple cheeks. Under his right eye is a small scar making him look a little more mature than the rest of his small yet strong body. He has dark black short messy hair, silky smooth by every touch. He is 15 years old and a year older than her, but they'll go in the same class soon. He is in a gang called 'The straw hat crew' because of his straw-hat and their flag having one in it. He is the leader of the group. He is wearing a red shirt without sleeves and unbuttoned all the way revealing the outline of his six-pack." You're awake!" She gives him a small nod before looking at the last brother Ace. He has dark black eyes as Luffy but has a red shine to them. He has smooth black hair longer than Luffy's. On his cheeks he had childish freckles. He has bigger muscles than any of his brothers and an eight-pack. He is 16 years old. On his back he has two tattoos. One on his upper arm saying 'Asce' as the 's' is crossed out. Then he has another one on his back he got recently. It's four purple bones creating a cross with a skull on top. The skull is black with white triangles and a white beard shaped like a moon pointing upwards. He was a part of the Whitebeard gang in town. Both of the gangs were known in the underground of town. He was shirtless with some pants on. You would think Luffy and Ace are blood related, but they aren't related in any way. None of the brothers are. Luffy's father Dragon and Ace's mother Rogue along with Luffy's grandfather Garp, they left Luffy and Ace in an orphanage with Sabo and other kids because none of them could take care of the two kids as their jobs craved too much of them. Luffy's mother and Ace's father had passed away long ago, leaving the two clueless of who they were. They grew up together in an orphanage and then ran away and later taken in by an old pair, 1 years later passing away. They inherited the money and a house from the pair. Half a year later, they took in Lucia and been together like this since. What happened is they had lived on the same street, but it wasn't only her house burning, but most houses, even their house and the street. They escaped together and were homeless for a few months. Later they moved into the house they have now. Lucia had inherited 40% of her millionaire parent's money, which is 20 million dollars and Sabo helped choosing the house. Thanks to that, they can pay for everything without having to earn money. But only thanks to one person. That's Ace. Ace was the one who saved her from the fire using his devil fruit powers. Ace and Sabo have the same power of fire, but Luffy has the power of being like rubber." Thank goodness you're awake Lizzy! You were rolling around, crying and talking. We were so worried!" A flash flies in front of her eye displaying the dream. A nightmare. She is having the same nightmare again." I am fine now, thank you. Now, could you please get out of my room? You guys are not dressed, and neither am I." Lucia says calmly and move further down underneath the covers." Sis, it's about 6am and school doesn't start till 8.30am." Sabo replies to her. That's right. It's September 7th, the first day of high school. Sabo is beginning his 4th year and Ace beginning his second year. Lucia and Luffy both start on their first year. Lucia's best friends Hannah and Caitlin are both attending the same high school. The school is called Grand line high. It's a well-educated school with somewhat high expectations and a reputation of being good. Each year has four classes. A, B, C and D. A and B belongs to those called 'Marines'. Marines are students with parents having a job keeping the city safe and has a lot of money. The classes C and D belongs to the 'Pirates'. It's not true at all, but that's how it is in the school apparently. They're less wealthy as Marines and often have a bad reputation as the slacker classes. Everyone in the city has a double life. The 'marines' often have parents in the military and the 'pirates' are often in gangs. If you're in D and want to get into B, you have to prove yourself worthy and if a Marine want to attend class D, they just do it, but it's very rare. From each class of every year there are selected a school council member and the fourth-year students are school presidents. A simple school, right? No, not at all. The four classes always fight and many of the students have devil fruit powers or can some special attacks with weapons and such. Weapons are allowed on the school which makes it different from many others. She liked the school. But really? 2 and a half hours before school starts? She rubs her eye and yawn. She stretches her arms over her head." Let's have a training section before breakfast. Be quick and ready." She says with a tired voice. Her brothers leave the room to get changed. She throws her blanket to the side and get out of her comfortable bed. She chuckles at Luffy who nearly broke the door getting out before his brothers. She looks at the image of herself in the mirror. She meets her own bright sea blue eye. Her eye is half lid, the rim filled with long dark eyelashes. Her other eye is light blue and white. A scar going from her light eyebrow to her cheekbone. She is blind on that eye from that dreadful day. A constant reminder. Her small smooth nose tilting a little to the left. Her perfectly smooth clean skin. Her slightly red round cheeks. Her plum soft lips forming a smile. Her strong jawline and slim neck. Her long messy blond hair reaching her breasts. On the left side she has a black stripe in her hair. It's also a reminder. No matter how much she tried, it won't go away. She learned to live with it. She takes her black hairbrush and brush the messy hair. As she does, she looks around her lit room. Light oak wooden floor with three white walls and an ocean blue wall behind her bed. Her bed is a queen size bed of dark grey colour with two drawers at the end of the bed. It's slightly over the floor by two or three inches. It has a box mattress covered in a white sheet. The blanket was blue with a white pattern. On top was a light grey cover with a pattern. Around and on the bed are pillows and a fur rug to put on the bed as well. The bed is at the opposite wall of her door. On each side she has a white nightstand with a drawer. On the left nightstand she has a lamp, a phone and an alarm clock. On the right nightstand she has a reading lamp and three books in a pile. On both nightstands the drawer handle is golden. On the left wall where she is standing, she has a light blue life size mirror hanging on the wall. Beside it she has a small white table with makeup, hair products and face products. She shifts side and keep brushing. She looks at the opposite wall, the right wall. She has two separated closets. The left one is blue, and the right is white. One for normal clothing and the other for dresses and more formal clothing. Between them she has a light grey wooden bookcase with white and black shelves. It is filled with books, pictures and some paintings she herself had painted. On a shelf she has a dirty old teddy she holds very dear. That and two burned gold rings along with a dark picture. Her only memory. They're the only things that survived the fire that day. Her heart feels heavy inside her chest. She holds her breathe for a short second before exhaling again. Beside the right closet there is a faint grey door leading to her own bathroom. This way she wouldn't have to wait for a bath and worry about it being clean. On the ceiling is hanging a light blue lamp shining bright. They live in a two-story house with a basement and a veranda. Her room is the first room. Beside hers is Luffy's room. Beside his is Sabo's room. Ace is the only one with a room on the left side in the house. Beside his room is the bathroom. Lucia puts the brush back in place and put her hair in a braid. She turns to her closets. She puts on tight stretchy black pants and a blue tank top with a sports bra underneath. She goes to her right nightstand and open the drawer. She puts on her black fighting gloves. They cover from the wrist to the middle of her fingers with a thin layer of a tight movable material. She closes the drawer and goes to the drawers in her bed. She opens them and the right one reveals many weapons, mostly swords and knifes. The left drawer reveals armor to protect herself with. She sighs and closes both drawers. No need for weapons. She gets out and turn left down the dim lit hall. She walks, nearly jumps down the creaking steps of the stairs. The wooden floor has warmth in it. She looks around in the living room. It's small compared to upstairs. It has a soft black sofa in the middle of the room with yellow and red pillows. There is a light wooded coffee table before it. By the wall is the tv on a small bookcase along with games and PlayStation and other electronics. In front of the stairs are coat hangers and shoes. The front door is white with a small peephole. There are big windows lighting the whole room. Under the stairs they have the door to the basement. The wall to the dining room has a big hole with a dark marble counter. You could sit and eat or do homework like they mostly did. They had white bar stools underneath. In the dining room the floor was tiled with dark grey tiles. Over the table they have a white simple and small chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The table is of dark wood with a black counter that is smooth. They have 6 chairs with light wood legs and light grey fabric on the seat and the backrest. From the dining room you can look into the kitchen. It is of two marble counters with white shelves and drawers. On the wall all the knifes are hanging. The walls are mostly windows with white curtains revealing the bright sight they have to the garden near the lake. She has always loved the sight. The veranda is light wood with light grey garden chairs with a black oak wood table and near the wall they have a grill. In the garden they have lots and lots of flowers with bushes and 2 trees with a hammock. Opposite those trees and flowers, they have a private training ground. It has bars, balance balls and step up bench. She can already spot Luffy's hands on the bar stretched all the way to the lake. He might be there. She can't seem to find her other brother. She sighs and continue walking. In the kitchen there is a door she walks through. It leads to the laundry room with another two doors. The left door is the back door and the other is to another toilet used by guests mostly. In the laundry room she picks a pair of light easily movable shoes to train in and opens an old oak closet. It's filled with bamboo sticks they fight with. There are four sticks, one for each of them. Her stick reaches her armpit in full length. She picks it and walk outside. A cold breeze gives her chills up the spine." Luffy, can we duel?" She holds onto the stick with both hands." Yosh! Coming right up!" He jumps off the ground and comes flying at her with his feet first. She uses her stick to stop his feet before hitting her. His smile gets brighter." You're quick! But I am faster!" Without her noticing, his hand got a grip around her angle. He pulls on her feet and she slips onto the ground. They both start laughing, Luffy helping her off the ground. Without warning, Luffy attacks again only to get blocked by the stick." Come again!" Luffy keeps attack with feet and hands till you nearly couldn't see them. Lucia blocks and dodges every attack in the same speed. So, fast the stick made sounds cutting into the air. Lucia takes her chance when Luffy takes a short break breathing, and she shifts from defense to attack. She smiles and starts a series of attacks with the stick and kicks. Luffy blocks with his bare hands and feet. Beads of sweat breaks loose on her forehead. She pushes him backwards." Giving up?" Lucia likes to be cocky and be a little mean towards Luffy. He uses his devil fruit powers and stretches his right hand far backwards. He uses his whole body to swing his hand forward at full speed. She watches it come closer and closer to her face before making a backflip. She stops mid-air, her white angelic wings unfolded from her back. Luffy makes a cute pout." No fair you can fly! I want to fly too!" She nods as her pupil turn into a golden star, the same star forming on her blind eye. Even her magic allows her to see with it, but only when she uses her magic. Even so, it's only for a few seconds. She watches as Luffy rise slowly into the air. Her magic is very unusual. It doesn't come from a devil fruit like her brother's powers. She was born with hers as well as her wings. They are the reason her parents got killed. Angel wings are worth at least 50 million dollars compared to what kind they are and how big. The black wings are sold for 40 to 50 million, while white wings are sold to a price of 65 million. The rarest wings of a pure angel are so rare, the lowest of even baby wings are worth 90 million. Wings are very rare and are often genetically passed to one another. Her parents had them and so does she. She had learned to hide them from a young age of seven, when they first appeared and only use them in battle if necessary or with people she is comfortable with. Her stepbrothers had come to accept them. Lost in thought she doesn't notice how close Luffy is to her." Lucia!" It's as if she is woken up from a dream and she looks at him beside her. They're the same height, but she was taller than him just a few weeks ago. Lucia's eyes turn back to normal. They start fighting again in the air, using the ground and every surface to launch and gain speed. At times they will clash and collide for a series of attacks before landing on a surface and jump into air again.

Lucia Rachel
FanfictionThis is my second book! It's modern au of One Piece with my OC Lucia Rachel (Might change the title later :/) It's a world of fight between gangs and the police/military. A world where you have to pick a side. Grand Line High is a school of four cl...