MY NAME IS KARMA AND IM GONA KILL DAT BOY "OHHH JAKE" I yell at dat stupid boy "WAT" he yell back "You wanna stab me with your dick?" I ask and do sexy Dance with my hips "MMM Girl, I wanna rock you allz night" I wink at him but in my head I am like naw man I'm just gonna murder you and I dont mean with my vagina "but what about Amme?" "she can wait cause I wanna lovee yYou"
Him and I go and have lots of gross sex and I didn't like it. After wards he is all tired so I just stab him. HIS eyesz open and I stab his eye out. "MM tasty." I kinda pretend to eat his eyeball and shoze it up my pp.
"Now Amme gona die"