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"Yoongi- what happened to you?" Jungkook rushed in as he saw Jimin there. "Did he-" before completing his sentence, Jungkook ran to beat Jimin up. " JEON JUNGKOOK!" Yoongi shouted which caused the younger to freeze before hitting him.

"Is Jimin- what happened to you?" Yoongi stared at an anxious Seokjin and signalled towards the boy curled up in a ball, lying on the cold floor. He hesitantly approached Jimin. 

"Jimin?" Jimin stayed at the same spot. "Take him to hospital and most importantly...get him a psychiatrist." Jimin eyed Yoongi at his statement. "You know what? FUCK YOU!" Jimin instantly got up and left his house.

"Yoongi... Do you want me to take you to a hospital?" Seokjin politely asked. "No thanks. And tell Jimin that I'll accept the truth in the very first trial. I know what I did was wrong. I loved her, okay?" Seokjin patted his back and left.

The day went by pretty fast for three of them. Seokjin and Taehyung convinced Jimin for therapy. A month passed and Yoongi got behind the bars for five years. The boys thought the therapy was going really good for Jimin, as he told the same. 

It was a rainy day and the boys were unable to contact Jimin. They last met almost a week ago where Jimin told Taehyung about some letters that were dear to him. After that day, the boys got caught up in their schedules.

Seokjin called Taehyung to ask about any contact with Jimin because he wanted to give Y/N's letter to him but Tae didn't had contact either as they were real busy. So, Seokjin decided to visit his house. Seokjin closed his umbrella after reaching at Jimin's doorstep. He was about to ring the bell but the door was already opened.

That sign didn't give a good vibe to the older so he rushed inside. He gasped at the sight inside Jimin's room. His lips were blue as he was lying on his bed. An empty bottle of his anti-depressant pills were scattered on the floor.

Seokjin took in the information and immediately called the ambulance and Taehyung. Thankfully, he wasn't late. Jimin was still breathing. Time passed and both the boys with puffy eyes were waiting for any news of their friend.

The doctor told them that Jimin is in coma and they are unsure when will he wake up or... will he ever wake up... And if he wakes up, they weren't sure if he'll be able to remember anything. He overdosed his anti-depressants, they affected his brain that can cause him amnesia, temporary or permenantly.

"He didn't got the chance of reading her letter because of me. Because I forgot where I put it. I should have been careful." Taehyung hugged Seokjin and shook his head.

"Hyung, it's fate and no one can change it."

Letters to Jimin || JiminWhere stories live. Discover now