The Meeting

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(Rainbow's POV)
-7 years ago-
It was my first day coming in as a trainee for Canterlot Entertainment aka one of the most well known entertainment companies. I couldn't believe I finally made it here. This was always my dream growing up. The best part was my best friend also made it in with me. "Fluttershy! Isn't this so awesome?! We are gonna be super famous Idols." I turned towards her.
"I- um It is pretty cool but it's only our first day." She said nervously. Fluttershy had the most angelic voice and was quite beautiful.  There was no way she wouldn't be famous though I could see she was scared. She used to get bullied back at school and had become very reserved. Though she was still such a kind soul and had a deep connection with animals. She didn't talk to many people other than me. Honestly I have no idea how I got her to go to the auditions but I'm glad she's here with me.
"C'mon Flutters! We gotta get inside and see Celestia." I grabbed her arm and ran inside. Once I got through the doors I saw the front desk. "Hello. I'm Rainbow Dash and This is Fluttershy," Fluttershy shyly waved, "We are here to see Celestia." I said confidently. The girl at the desk smiled warmly.
"Ah, You are the new trainees. Though I'm sure three of you are supposed to be joining today. Once the third one arrives I'll send you guys up." The lady responded. I studied the woman. She seemed so familiar. She had pink, purple, and yellow long hair with bright purple eyes.
"Oh my Gosh! You are Cadance!" Fluttershy finally spoke. Fluttershy was trying her best to fan girl. Cadance was a soloist who had recently debuted. She smiled at Fluttershy.
"Yes I am! I like to help out around here so I'm working the front desk." She softly smiled. I couldn't believe I didn't recognize her. As I was about to freak out the door opened. "Are you AppleJack?" Cadance looked to behind us.
I turned around to see a girl about the same age as me. She had long blonde hair with the most gorgeous emerald eyes that glimmered in the light.
"Eeyep! That's me. I'm here to see Celestia." She smiled as she walked up to the desk. Cadance gave us guest badges and sent us up.
We all got boarded the elevator. I looked over the girl who's name was supposedly AppleJack.
"Hey! I'm Rainbow Dash!" I put my hand out for a hand shake. She took my hand and gave me a strong handshake.
"Well Hi Rainbow Dash! I'm AppleJack." She smiled the most beautiful smile that shined as bright as the stars. "Who's that's behind ya?" She asked. Fluttershy stopped hiding behind me and looked up at AppleJack.
"I'm Fluttershy." She said quietly.
"What was that Sugarcube?" Applejack asked.
I put my arm around Fluttershy to help comfort her.
"Her name is Fluttershy. She's a little shy." I replied.
"Ah see. Well it's nice to meet you both." AppleJack responded. As she said that the elevator doors opened. We walked out and followed an assistant to Celestia's office. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous to speak with her. The three of us walked in the room. Her office was very bright and warm. You could tell everything was worth lots of money.
"Hello Girls. Please take a seat." Celestia motioned to the seats in front of her. "You girls have some amazing talent and I'm so happy to have you here. This isn't going to be easy though. Being a trainee is a lot of work and effort. But I can promise you the journey is worth it. We have many trainees around your age and I believe you girls will have fun here too. I just need you to know this is a full time thing. You will be doing school here with the other trainees while practicing. We have dorms for you girls to stay in as well since you are far from home. Though I'll make sure you'll have time to travel home and see your family. So, Are you girls ready?" She looked at all three of us. AppleJack and I instantly shook our head. Fluttershy was hesitant but she nodded her head with us.Well then, You guys are gonna need some official badges. My assistant will take you to go see the photographer to take your pictures and make your cards." Her assistant opened the door.
"Follow me girls." her assistant smiled. The three of us got out of our seats at the same time and followed her out. We waved to Celestia before exiting. Soon we had our cards made. The assistant brought us into a dance room to watch some trainees. There were three girls around our age dancing. One had crazy pink curly hair with bright blue eyes, another one had straight purple hair with bangs and two colored streaks (Which it's so cool having multi-colored hair but not like I'm biased or anything), and finally there was a girl with purple hair with big neat curls.
Soon we were pulled into the dance practice and the girls got to sit down and watch. Applejack and I quickly picked up the moves while Fluttershy was having some troubles. I went over to her and helped her since I knew she'd be able to look at me for more than 5 seconds. Soon she was dancing like a pro. I felt like a proud mom and I'm only 11! 4 hours later and it was time to go home to the dorms. We just so happened to be in the same dorm as the girls from our dance practice. We walked out the building and into a van. It brought us to our dorm. Soon we all walked in. As soon as we walked in the girl with the bangs started talking.
"Ok guys we should all introduce ourselves since we have new dormmates. I'll start! I'm Twilight Sparkle! I've been training since I was 6!" She smiled as she sat down on a couch. The pink haired girl soon jumped on the couch and sat next to Twilight.
"Hi Everyone! I'm Pinkie Pie! I've only been training for a few months!" She bounced in her seat. The girl with the purple curly hair sat down in an elegant looking seat.
"Well I'm Rarity. I've been training for a few months also." She seemed to have a posh accent. I decided to introduce myself next.
"I'm Raindow Dash! I'm the coolest girl you'll ever see! I just started training today." I replied. AppleJack snickered.
"Well I'm AppleJack! I just started today as well." she looked over to me. That left Fluttershy to introduce herself.
"H-hi I'm Fluttershy. I started today." she said quietly but everyone was able to hear her.
"Oh darling! You are so adorable! You wanna room with me?" Rarity said as she walked up to Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked to me and I nodded.
"S-sure" she smiled lightly. Rarity smiled at her and walked her to her room.
"Well I guess you too are rooming together because I'm with Pinkie." Twilight said.
"I'm good with that!" I looked to AppleJack.
"Well I'll see you girls tomorrow. I'm so tired." Twilight walked to her room. Pinkie followed after her.
"Well we should head to our room then" AppleJack started to head for our room. I followed her. In our room there were two full beds and two desks with computers. It was pretty bare.
"I guess we are meant to decorate it ourselves." I looked around and sat on a bed.
"We should do that tomorrow sugarcube." AppleJack sat next to me. I turned to her. I could see her beautiful emerald eyes.
"Yeah totally! Well I guess we should sleep since everyone else is." I started to walk towards my bag. I grabbed some PJs.
"haha my bad ain't in here." AppleJack laughed nervously. I pulled out another pair I had and handed them to her.
"Here ya go Sugarcube." I giggled. she laughed and took them. She walked out the room to go to the bathroom I presumed. I quickly got changed and got comfy in my bed. After a couple minutes she came back and hopped into the other bed. I turned off the lights and soon we were both sound asleep. I still couldn't believe I was trainee.

Hey Guys! It's me Mylittlekitkat! This is my first AppleDash story. I really wanted to mix together my favorite things so I did. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will take place in the present but I wanted to start it off with them meeting! The girls are 18-20 in the present! Feel free to leave any feedback😁

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